Remember all the stuff that piece of shit Bernie wanted that you said we can't afford, then we just fucking pulled 5 trillion out of our ass for the flu and everything was fine?
Remember all the stuff that piece of shit Bernie wanted that you said we can't afford...
>Remember all the stuff that piece of shit Bernie wanted that you said we can't afford, then we just fucking pulled 5 trillion out of our ass for the flu and everything was fine?
>everything was fine?
you had me until this.
>Remember Bernie
You mean that rich Jew who can't be bothered to donate to a real charity?
Yeah, I don't remember him either.
Not sure how this has to do with anything.
If I told you 6 months ago that we would just fucking print 5 trillion and throw it at the markets and give out free money, ALL of you would be telling me how that would cause hyperinflation, a gallon of milk would cost $50, there would be total collapse. If Floyd didn't die, there would still be no fires.
You dumb nigger inflation is going to fuck us in the next year because of all that printing, and if the dollar were to lose it's status as world reserve all your gay programs will have to be slashed. Eventually the world will stop buying our debt if we just print into oblivion. Don't be a retard
>conveniently removes the part where I called him a "piece of shit"
It should have effected us IMMEDIATELY. Also, the vast majority of the US debt is owned by... American citizens.
Idk if you know this, Zig Forums seems too distracted by racism these days but the entire fractional reserve central banking and fiat currency system is inevitably doomed, it’s collapsing around us but until the alternative (not gold, institutionally backed digital currency) is developed they have no choice but to keep it propped up.
We passed the point of no return a long time ago desu probably with QE but that was inevitable from the turn of the century on. Trump is basically looting the Fed to try and find his re-election, not that that’s bad fuck the fed.
But there is no way to pay for this, there is certainly no way we could use looting a failing system to fund a long term universal healthcare system and also pay for everyone to go to college.
Universal healthcare is also inevitable long term btw because it’s cheaper and allows more direct spending cuts without having to affect (((the 1%))) who will of course still pay for top tier healthcare.
>o, the vast majority of the US debt is owned by... American citizens.
taxcucks pay bondholders..... and that's a GOOD thing
No, inflation takes time to take effect, keep in mind most of the money wasn’t stimulus checks it was handed out to corporations who will take months to spend it all.
>not realizing that 5 trillion will soon be pulled out of our wallets.
the reproductions from the stimulus alone will be felt for decades
the fact that most leftists don't understand the true workings of an economy shows how child like your philosophies are
I don't think it is doomed. They got AI and airtight plans I don't think any of us can comprehend. I don't think a big collapse will happen. They got this boiling pot shit DOWN.
my point stands
Of fucking course you think I'm leftist.
Our generation was already fucked, and future generations might as well kill themselves, but other countries are spending far, FAR more than we are per capita with an even lower GDP than us and are perfectly stable. The difference is they don't worship billionaires.
I remember how Obama was all high and mighty that he got 30 million people onto health insurance, and then 40 million people lost their healthcare within 8 weeks BECAUSE of a health crisis lmao.
I had really good insurance, but there was no option to get on Medicaid because I have no children in my household. What am I supposed to do? Pay $400/month for Obamacare while unemployed?
I never wear a mask and don't social distance because fuck it. I'll go bankrupt if I get ventilated anyway, why should I give a fuck about anybody else?
i'd rather have the rocket launcher than pay for jamal's aids medicine
You’re a very good goy for having such faith in the system, but no. Keep in mind, that when there’s a collapse those at the top have the perfect opportunity to expand their own power.
The digital currency will be implemented first, bitcoin doesn’t work because it’s too inefficient and anonymous, a similar currency with software distributed to a few powerful stakeholders would provide both speed/efficiency and traceability so it can’t be sent to terrorists or cartels without a bank taking their cut for the laundering.
The collapse will be catastrophic for millions of boomers invested in the system and less important government services like welfare will probably be fucked due to USD inflation but the important branches and all the major corporations and billionaires will be switched over well before that happens.
This is not this year btw, but it’s definitely on the horizon.
>implying an RPG costs as much as OP's diabetes medication
the real question is why do cops need so much weapons? Who are the fighting and why are they so savage?
This is communist rhetoric you’d have to be literally retarded to not see it.
And most of the country is literally retarded
Diabetes medication isn't even expensive. It's controlled by a monopoly. Insulin should be $5/month, not $600/month.
There's nothing wrong with universal healthcare
>There's nothing wrong with universal healthcare
There's also nothing wrong with universal military service, but hey, what do I know?
Agreed, conscription is healthy for a nation
Capital is not for reform.
I can agree that something like this will happen, but it won't touch boomers. Our generation will NEVER be able to retire. We're going to have 60 year olds collapsing dead in coal mines.
Its sure as FUCK won't be bitcoin, the fed will probably develop their own similar thing.
"HURR, I DON'T LIKE IT SO ITS COMMUNIST" It's impossible to even talk to you people because you just mislabel shit and piss and scream when people point out you're wrong. Are you saying ALL of Europe is Communist and has been for decades? Because that's what you're saying when you say free healthcare and college is communist. Oh, and they've proven it works.
But it's not communism. You couldn't even fucking define it without googling it right now.
>The economy didn't collapse the next day, so everything is fine
Maybe Bernie (or Yang) should have proposed to get the money from the same place that Trump got it (printing it), instead of proposing to destroy the Free Market in the United States.
Of course destroying the Free Market is exactly what the communists want.
One rocket launcher is around $2000. Annual medical spending for obese people is $3271. 40% of America is obese.
Why do I think I can read hieroglyphs
Le edgy aussie trotskyites
public healthcare works, but the way it's implemented is shit in every country in Europe.
public healthcare covers everything from getting stabbed to diabetes and aids. But it should only cover accidents and assault, NOT health problems which you couldn control, that's where it seriously fucks up and becomes unfair and a massive financial burden for everyone. Here's what to do:
test for alcohol and hard drugs regularly, abuse can be detected a long time afterwards even if you take a break "to cheat the test". You drink every day? Fuck you, +200% healthcare bills for you and less for others. You smoke regularly (also detectable easily)? Fuck you, +700% medical bills for the cancer you'll probably get. And do not cover transsexual surgeries, boob jobs and cosmetic bullshit.
Make sure it doesn't go wild though, because someone working construction for example IS more likely to face health problems but it's out of their immediate control. Keep normal bills, and reduce them if they're getting a degree.
my gf used to be on medicare because she grew up in foster care, and it was absolute shit.
No one wants to accept it, and the only places that do are in the center of nigger street in the city, and if you want to be seen you go to a clinic where you are added to a waitlist and if they don't get to you, they don't get to you and you get to come back next week.
>test for alcohol and hard drugs regularly, abuse can be detected a long time afterwards even if you take a break "to cheat the test". You drink every day? Fuck you, +200% healthcare bills for you and less for others. You smoke regularly (also detectable easily)? Fuck you, +700% medical bills for the cancer you'll probably get. And do not cover transsexual surgeries, boob jobs and cosmetic bullshit.
I will miss drinking but acceptable.