America is only the beginning soon black people will have equality in America and will not be held down by your shackles but it won’t end there countries in the Middle East taking women in as maids and treating them to the equivalent of slaves trapping them in their countries by taking their passports will soon have retribution America is only the beginning watch out racists we’re coming as we will win
America is only the beginning soon black people will have equality in America and will not be held down by your...
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prove it
how are blacks not equal, explain to me what a black can't do, I really wanna know.
great thread shlomo
is there really niggers who believe that one day they'll stop being niggers?
Your chains are embedded in your DNA nigger.
I'd love to see you try.
I'll whip my slave extra hard today in your honor.
Lmao. The left will have schisms and will destroy itself. It is held by a coalition that have only one thing in common which is the enemy known as the white man. Once you go after Arabs, most of the financial support and media support that you get from Al Jazeera and Qatar and the other gulf countries will go away
I will bash your nigger skull in if you step on my land
Talk back to the police and not get killed for it.
The niggers all rioted in the 1960s, so we tried busing, affirmative action, and minority scholarships. It pissed off the whites, but we figured if they can do good it's worth it.
The niggers did not do good.
Every single last problem still exists. We gave up. But that was a generation ago and we all forgot how worthless niggers are. So now we want to try the Great Society again. And it will fail again.
Phoneposters get the rope
So theyll start paying taxes now?
Eat shit you sleazy lowlife cunt. Go lie to the other coontards. Bitch. We know the truth you worthless piece of shit According to a recent report by the Bureau of Justice, there were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations between blacks and whites last year. Blacks committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies, or 90 percent, and whites committed less than 10 percent.
I've seen videos over the last weeks of this over and over, no one was killed. Niggers calling cops chumps, boy, etc.
Stop committing crimes and be a normal human bean and cops won't fuck with you retard.
based omanian
you souldn't interfere with other countries yank.
most likely a navy serviceman, I've been to Oman and first thing I did was get on wifi.
>boy gets shot and killed by an officer because his phone looked like a gun
StOp CoMmItTiNg CrImEs
The racists don't realize it, but we've already won. Change is already happening. Trump is done. Big things by Nov.
ur gonna have bomb a good amount of villages before that happens in the middle east
just fucking try it. I dare ya
Black people are eternal fuck ups. The biggest fuck ups in history. Until they admit that to themselves they will fuck up everything they touch.
You’re a niggerfaggot kike too
America is only the beginning, soon you will outlaw slavery and bring equality to Africa.
A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences demolishes the Democratic narrative regarding race and police shootings, which holds that white officers are engaged in an epidemic of racially biased shootings of black men. It turns out that white officers are no more likely than black or Hispanic officers to shoot black civilians. It is a racial group’s rate of violent crime that determines police shootings, not the race of the officer. The more frequently officers encounter violent suspects from any given racial group, the greater the chance that members of that racial group will be shot by a police officer. In fact, if there is a bias in police shootings after crime rates are taken into account, it is against white civilians, the study found.
Just because you can't count doesn't mean we can't count...I seriously doubt you read above a sixth grade level...
Although you are a dirty leafnigger yourself you are correct.
I don't think so nigger
Based and Hitlerpilled
Ok sheboon
The fuck you talkin' about? blacks have been mentally chained by the democrats since Lincoln told them they couldn't physically chain them anymore. They have never been equal...or free...
Great lets see what the can build without Whites Helping them.
If only there were this place with many examples?
The time of men is ending
The age of the nigger is here
if blacks weren't inferior this would've stopped being an issue a hundred years ago. if every nigger in the world were to die africa would be a paradise within a generation.