What if defunding the police is a good idea?

Hear me out Zig Forums. What if we defund the police and it leads to:

>cops not fucking with you randomly for no reason and trying to ruin the lives of decent people for non violent offenses
>black communities fall into chaos, nogs realize they have to take care of themselves, no whitey to blame for beating on them/arresting them
>cycle of crime broken bc police not imprisoning blacks cursing them to a life of hardship, they assimilate with the rest of America
>Decent citizens become redpilled gun owners, gun control forever unpopular despite left wing shilling
>Police scared of the average citizen, state can't mobilize against its own armed citizenry

Why would we want the state to "protect" us when ordinary citizens can be just as armed and prepared? Do police patrols really stop any crimes in action? We should have emergency response and investigators on hand for when crime does occur but police patrolling neighborhoods is just state control and making sure you arent going too fast on the road or smoking weed. Many of you Zig Forumstards were against the state and saw it as the enemy prior to the chimpouts, but now because the issue is racial we suddenly want the glownigs and feds to attack the left? I know times are scary, but perhaps we should try to be less cynical. Please give your thoughts.

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Do it Biden. You’ve cucked to the left on everything else. Do it! Support defunding the police.
Can you just imagine President Trumps press conference?
“Thank you all, I’m off to play golf now. Will see you all in January at my reinaguration. The Democrat platform is open borders, free health care for illegals, higher taxes, they will take your guns and police away. I yield the rest of my campaign time to the Democrats to tell all Americans what they will do to you in power”.

Because cops are good at their job. The downside to a police force are way overstated. They are mostly average people who are just trying to put food on the table. And for every “bad apple” there are three great police officers with deep connection to the area they work in that fight tooth and nail to make their little piece of the US a better place.

Look at the stats. Police are An overwhelmingly positive force in our country and anyone saying otherwise is misinformed, uninformed, or lying.

>Problem, reaction, solution
In theory I get what you're saying, but in practice this is part of the globalist plan for centralized enforcement. We aren't getting anything good from this.

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Are you aware of how much evil has been done in the world by people who were "just doing their job"? Just because individual cops themselves are decent doesn't mean that the mechanism of policing as a whole doesn't deserve a reexamination. If somebody's job was to fuck your wife every weekend and they had the state's authority to do it is that okay with you?

I agree. On the surface it seems absurd, but it could work out. Government bungles pretty much everything it's involved with, why would policing be different. Perhaps the free market can come up with a better solution.

worry about your own country faggot

I understand this feel. It is definitely some illuminati shit, but maybe we can steer the momentum in our favor if change is inevitable.

Certainly communities who care about policing would come to a solution. I can't be the only one who is fucking tired of seeing cops with AR15s and urban camouflage vehicles in my relatively low violent crime area. Fucking motorcycle cops in my city have semi auto rifles but I've never ever heard of them being used to stop a threat where that amount of force was warranted.

You're retarded.