White Fragility in a nutshell

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but they all take my cum the same way, through rape.


Based leaf?



But your flag is still a meme

>I have to reduce every issue facing society down to Disney princess references because I'm an intellectual toddler

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Such a claim is no way different than saying a car without brakes is a safe care to drive.

I'd never treat a cute Asian girl like a virus.

But fuck niggers. They're always a threat.

>agreed, chinks are
>they arent on a larger scale. Bonus: theyre also not "people"
>but terrorists are muslims
>eh, idk about northern tribes but fuck aztecs

>hispanics are not illegal

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Whites are not RACIST

call a nigger a nigger and learn about black fragility

Princess Jasmine wasn't even Muslim, though.

I believe that's called minority bitching, not white fragility.

What I like to do is just like, ya know ,like ya know,hahahaha

13 percent of the population disagrees with you.

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>Asians are not a virus
Correct, just the Chinese.
>Hispanics are not illegal
If they cross the border through proper channels then no, if they don't or over stay their visas they 100% are.
>Black people are not threats
Anyone can be a threat, Black people just tend to be more likely to be a threat espe if you look white or are black.
>Muslims are not terrorists
Nah, most muslims are pretty chill but Islam is not a religion of piece of some groups take that more seriously than others.
>Native Americans are not savages
Not anymore, they're mostly alcoholics who throw a fit when one of their tribe falls asleep on the train tracks and gets run over because trains don't stop on a dime.
4/10 you'll get replys.


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Those all seem pretty correct to me.

Needs Elsa with "Whites are not frigid"

>Asians are not a virus
I'm not so sure about that , yellow fever is pretty contagious

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Basado. Lose the memeflag, though.

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why do these underraces project so much
we get it
youre fragile and underwhelming

Which movie was the Hispanic "Princess" from anyway? I don't recognize her. I mean, I saw the Princess and the Frog and it was decent (even if they had to really bend the rules within the movie to count her as a princess), but I don't remember any Hispanic Princess Disney films.

We're literally in that fucking movie, man. What they left out in it though is how all the people who could see what was happening to society offed themselves once they realized how hopeless it was.

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You are sucking the dick of a monopoly, and saying whites are fragile. Look at Disney's employment history and history of racism and then understand that your arguement is hypocritical. Have a good night, faggot out.

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>not putting the nigger last

White in group preference is the only one that gets labelled racism. Yes we are racist and it's healthy. If anything our problems are caused by not enough of us being racist.

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This shit is clearly CCP propaganda to destabilize the US. No one started calling “Asians” “viruses”, until the CCP released their Coronavirus onto the world. And even then, it’s heavily disingenuous to suggest people were calling Asians viruses from that. Fuck Xi, and fuck the CCP.

White people are not the master race.

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gj leaf

Simply based


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The only one I agree with is the bottom one. Most natives today are meth heads.

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Someone needs to update the first part to have Xinnie the Pooh

based and redpilled, fuck spics

day of the rake temporarily suspended

Also, based. Srry 4 spaz.

Amusing that islam is a direct attack (see; terrorism) against the culture depicted in aladdin

There's been a lot more of those lately. Pay attention to the flags

I have to ask, are these riots happening in India too? I haven't heard anything about that place yet

What is it with leftists and comparing everything to fiction? Specifically, fiction in which the viewer/reader has no impact on the ending?

why are they using disney cartoon characters in political propaganda?

which one?

You're right, women are all of the above though.