Why do people associate police with law and order? The vast majority of social norms are enforced without the government

Why do people associate police with law and order? The vast majority of social norms are enforced without the government

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We don't need cops. We need guns in the hands of the people.

You'll see

brehs a hoodrat girl hopped on my dick because these protests

what do I do she keeps fucking me

without police no one will stops niggers from being killed lol

Because police don't enforce social norms, you complete brainlet. They enforce laws.

Social norm: don't pick your nose and eat it. Enforced by grossed out girls everywhere.

Law: don't shoot niggers dead in the street
Enforced by men with guns.

Do you see the difference, you dumb fuck potato brained mutt?

look at any place without cops.

Attached: IMG_2315.jpg (450x699, 153.48K)

black women are awesome

white women are niggers


KKK is literally going to return if police are abolished

Sauce on her? She’s pretty
I have a thing for girls wearing those large looking shoes