Pheonix Fire Investigation

Fire was reported to be on 600 West Grant Street in Pheonix Arizona by twitter and media

This image was shared on twitter of the fire

The blue building is Maricopa County Sherif HQ
the photo was taken from 398 S Street

The building in front has the lettering Jackson Street and is a garage

Attached: fenix.png (541x751, 478.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here is the area which was on fire in the OP image


Attached: fire area.png (862x500, 545.59K)

The twitter video here, shows an entirely different area

Notice the residential roof with a chimney

This is the building which was purported to be on fire during the livestream

as you will see, it's a completely different location.

Attached: south.png (1029x491, 776.74K)

From previous thread

"Camera was from city hall facing south"

Attached: city hall camera location.jpg (1242x2208, 2.65M)


The building with partially covered roof is Ace Parking

The building in front of that is
Maricopa Country Assessor/Treasurer

Although it looks quite different here:
Where it's emblem represents a hospital?

Compared to google maps

Attached: google maps view pheonix.png (937x473, 781.83K)

Third image of alleged fire with a chimney roof in view, which completely contradicts this image

Attached: spiral.png (527x533, 121.41K)

your map is wrong

Which map?

sometimes when a fire is big you can see it from far away especially at night

Do you mind specifying the location of the fire you are talking about?

I live here, it was new construction apartments. Most satellite images wont show because the construction is recent

I don't live in Phoenix so someone else could tell you better, but I do know that its impossible to hide the location of a fire the size of a city block and theyd have nothing to gain by doing so

there's also tons of other construction going on in the area, this place changes by the month

What is the location of construction apartments of which you speak?

In which way do you believe the fire was the size of a city block by comparing these images:

Attached: compare.png (1769x895, 2M)

Attached: Fire Location.png (1051x840, 1.3M)

looks p big to me

Op's photo is taken north of jackson street looking south down 5th ave. Jackson garage is the long rectangle building.

photo taken from blue
garage green
fire red
apartments were under construction where the fire took place

Attached: 20200608_013219.jpg (1080x1920, 1.46M)

That's not even the area of 600 west grant street which your buddies were saying were the location of the new apartment block

Get a fucking grip

both, they are upside down
should always view a map with the top facing north

you're a fucking idiot. learn to use google maps

Attached: Screenshot_20200608-013856_Maps.jpg (1080x1920, 1.18M)

Based schizoposter.

how are they going to conceal the giant column of smoke raising to the heavens like the biblical pillar of fire as shown in your picture

and what would they gain from doing so?

you seem to know a lot about phoenix, why dont you drive down there and look

you get a grip faggot
no one knows what the fuck you are trying to say hahaha


There are no records of any apartment buildings on 600 west grant street

no artists renderings
no advertisements for the sale of the apartments

Even though one of you purported it here:

Attached: aztec apartmentos.png (1302x547, 376.06K)

not the fire location

the fire is beyond the shed
this image is looking in the wrong direction moron

>misspelled Phoenix.
Fuck off and don’t ever post about /our/ state again nigger boi.

He wants to sow discord among you trannies. He's probably shilling from Lakhta-2 unless he's PLcA.

But a chink would not call Phoenix фeникc - we would.

Alright I will, tell me which building this fire is at:

Attached: building.png (1015x578, 768.33K)

>> 261656812
Real thread


Nice call user
SaGE this thread