'Defund the police' ≠ 'ARREST HIM!'

It feels like we're living on a distorted reality because all of this doesn't make any fucking sense.

I am not suicidal but if you think through, death sounds comforting one day.

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Its like 80% of america is in a cult.

its literally just commies trying to destabilise america to the point it collapses.
They don't care if it means a million dead people

Clown world full steam ahead!! Choo Choo muthafuckas!!

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The same people who are screaming "defund the police" are the same people who will scream "arrest the racist". Yes the entire position held by these niggers is hypocritical but they do not care


That man is Canadian though not American

Because they're not "ideologues," as so many centrist dopes like to call them. Leftism (this specific kind, to be fair) is a projection of psychological discontent, neuroticism, and envy. If they actually cared about minorities, they would do things that actually help them, the kinds of things like Thomas Sowell suggests help all people with social mobility.
They hate the West and white men because of the fundamental masculinity, intellect, vigor, and conquest it represents as an idea. They know that all of its faults are the faults of the world in total. Other cultures produced violence and terror. But they hate our civilization because it represents virtues they lack. And they genuinely believe of the minorities, more than anyone else, the blacks and homosexuals, that they're truly inferior, and empathize with that.
They collectivize based on easy adherence. Merely speak as wanted. Say x, y, and z. Anybody's welcomed.
Rightists of all kinds collectivize based on demands. You must be strong, good character, fit, etc. Fat stormfronters are mocked and distanced.
Notice the effete nature of most public leftist intellectuals, compared to rightists. Even the most basic "ideologues" on youtube.
I've never really watched their videos, but look at Destiny, Vaush, etc. They're feminized and weak. Compare them to Steven Crowder or Stefan Molyneux.
They don't need to be consistent, because they find it psychologically unnecessary.

Police aren't private security you boot licker