Zig Forums = /PSYCHOS/

As if we needed any more proof that you all are a festering boil of psychopathy, here's the incontrovertible proof.

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Other urls found in this thread:


So, every protestor/rioter is a psychopath?

I social distance and wear masks.

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I have been following the social distancing guidelines since way before the pandemic. I just don't want other people to.

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so then every protester is a psychopath

I comply with all social distancing orders, thank you

>leftoids call anyone else psychopathic

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We aren't the ones out there rioting.

Woah someone wrote an article aboutit so it must be true

This article is racist!!
Just another example of yt supremacy everywhere we go

Well, as long as their not out protesting stay at home orders, they're safe from the virus.

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What the fuck would you think this proves? Like most people, I've been following all social distancing guidelines. I think COVID-19 is overblown and that people need to work, but I'm immuno-suppressed and hardly want to catch it. It's not like I believe the virus literally doesn't exist. I see no harm in doing whatever to help prevent others like me from catching it, too. And I personally really like the "one-way aisles" in grocery stores that a bunch of spergs complain about, it actually cuts down on stupid shopping cart traffic jams.

Liberals, on the other hand, instantly abandoned worrying about the elderly and the immuno-suppressed the second some nigger thug died and they had a new cause to glom onto, so what does that tell you?

>Antiracism blocks COVID like an uninvited vampire to your house
>Wanting liberties back is psychotic and we hope you die

And they’re fucking seething for it

Racist Eric W. Dolan who wrote this article should be forced to kneel in front of every poor black person he insulted and also finally renounce his white privilege.

They already debunked this on reddit

> Research should also test more ways of framing public-health advice to find messages that may work for the more antagonistic individuals among us.
Kek. Good luck.

Fuck your fake ass Corona and your fake ass peer-reviewed "research." I haven't given a single fuck about social distancing this whole time. The only psychos are the ones pushing this fake shit.

Here is a little something I 'peer-reviewed'...


Thing is, we aren't. Sucks to be a libtard kike in 2020, faggot.

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Hehe, riots go flu

Well that didn't age well.

I've only went to the grocery store sense this happened

Hey, faggot, Zig Forums isn't participating in the riots. You congenital imbecile.

Leave it to a leaf to need someone to tell him how to walk in a store. Is that really an issue anywhere? Maybe if you knew which way was in and which way was out you wouldn't be an AIDS riddled faggot.

Fucking 1984 is reality.

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Anyone dumb enough to think cloth masks will stop viruses, despite it warning them they won't on the fucking bag/box, is a lost cause. Thankfully that shit isn't mandatory here except for a few businesses.

>calling the bullshit shilled pandemic by bill gates psychopath
pot calling the kettle black

Yes I am a psycho and I WILL cut your head off if I get the chance

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If you don't buy our lies you're a fucking psychopath goy.



Non-compliers are psychopaths!

le based aussie shitposting!!!

100% jewish tactics, pathologize any behaviour you want to suppress