Report now you filthy casuals
/AUSPOL/ Master Race
fuck lads just praised Him felt greate. might praise Him again later idk.
greetings boys
whois up for some chocolate?
This is a /KIWIpol/ now Ausniggers welcome temporarily.
>you just posted cringe.jpg
blm qanda this is the life that my ancestors wanted for me
i bet theyre glad they had 6 kids for the country and lived on mashed potatoes and bread and dripping
Take the Asian girl pill. Oz women are a lost cause.
Why are there so many fucking trouble making Arabs in Australia?
>Trump by a landslide
if there is no fuckery, but I predict mass fuckery.
look at democrat controlled states fucking off the electoral college by assigning their delegates to whoever wins the nationwide majority vote which is massively tainted by illegals in California and other democrat strongholds. Republicans have 4 years to deal with mass democrat-sponsored voter fraud, and deal with the illegal problem.
someone mentioned indian drivers in the last thread....
is that what women look like in Kenya?
People in this country are very crass, rude and mean ;(
oh is that where i am tonight
Glowie OP fucked the thread. Not only is it aus/pol/ in lower caps, but you fucked the slashes so no one will be able to find it.
>Its aus/pol/ not /AUSPOL/
Plus you posted a shitty boomer meme
Scomo is so fucking hot.
I just want him to walk onto my lawn for a press conference and instead of saying 'Get of my lawn I just reseeded it,' I'm going to fuck him right there and then. and after I'm finished he'll just pull up his pants and get on with the Home Builder press conference on my lawn.
>shitty boomer meme
Oi cunt
I didn't make that.
nice d ubs numb nuts
>been posting this shit since 2009
Could the queen if she wanted drive around Australia with a handgun shooting koalas
am i not pretty enough for you?
She could hunt them in a tank if she wanted to.
Evening gentlemen, when does the putsch begin? I’m well past compromising on deals with the nigger animals in our great country.
But what about our tight gun laws
i had these two indians deliver a chest freezer today but they instead took some other person's washing machine into my apartment, opened it from its packaging before i said to them wtf this is a washing machine. they had the freezer in the truck but.
so i was reading John Titor post last night to refresh my memory
i know cunts debunked him or what ever or think they did but damn.
dates are all wrong and way off but the meat of the information is spooky close.
He says Australia repels an invasion by the chinks and after that we shut up shop and ignore the world.
Poor, about to be extinct little fella.
Diplomatic pouches exist for a reason.
She'd just stick the tank in a plane and tell them it's a pouch.
She can sack a governor General so no gov dept official is going to say no.
I’m thinking of moving here is the cooming that good? I mean it must be right
>He says Australia repels an invasion by the chinks and after that we shut up shop and ignore the world.
That's a dream to aim for.
Can we deport the rest of the world out of here first?
ABC back roads has petrol sniffers. Gotta love NIGGERS right?
Nah; colder than a witches tit mate.
Its cold as fuck. You have to coom continuously for warmth
Can one of you shit cunts tell me how the fuck our country managed to get so retarded that when some methed up nigger in the US gets killed by some retard cop, we end up having massive and violent riots about it in all our major cities and even some of the shithole ones?
Who's first on the fuck list tonight?
I wonder.
Nope, asian girls are just as fucked, they're simply less honest about it.
Also fuck you Glownig OP
>Its cold as fuck.
its cold as fuck everywhere at the moment
GSM is here
Yep...ex Thai, my now current is Viet but I'm going to leave her soon probably. Next - Japan / Korea, but just for fun totally done with relationships for the foreseeable future.
coz.. dumb fucks
Not exactly sure but retardation, cock suckery and kikery are all on the recipe somewhere.
And commies.
Did I mention the retardation?
WTF is that?
Oh look the head of state..... who answers to the actual Crown, the city-state of London.
my ride
The fuck is goin on..
Wakin me up.. I got a morning fat at 8pm
>tfw got paid $70/hr to wagecuck last night
honestly dont think it was worth it, id wouldve preferred to get drunk
Stop being ausfags
>GSM is here
Based Kenyan aware of the GSM.
Start prepping food lads.
Stop kneeling to niggers.
And washing their feet.
yeah nah