You know what that means?
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That means they state of Minnesota will call for the national guard in about a week or two.
The mayor will resign and there will be martial law.
Who cares? I am with beanie man on that: the cities voted for that shit, now let them lie in the bed they made!
Is anyone going to set up a nigger-hunting safari there? Call it Little Africa or something.
Man they're really going for the order through chaos thing. Such arrogance to think they'll be able to restore order.
If you buy a ticket I’ll start the business although I won’t be able to force you to pay me seeing as there will be no law
Wow tim actually isn't embarassing looking when he's thin
That's wrong but I'm sure you'll continue being a retard regardless. This isn't the first nor will it be the last time that a police department is reset in the US and while time-consuming every city that has done this before is now better off for it.
Every United States citizen in Minneapolis that suffered hardship or loss should be entitled to sue the city, county, and state government.
means the county will have to take up the slack and raise property taxes
It's not being reset you dumb fucking faggot kraut.
It means the county sheriff just takes over. It's happened plenty of times, a town near me did it because it was too small and too much of the population were personal friends with the cops. Though Minneapolis is a pretty big city to do it with.
No. I have no idea what that means or how that even works or how fast it happens
Sure bud, Tucker said they want to remove all police so it must be so
also this.
No doubt that city hall will be getting a shit ton of lawsuits. The police don't have a duty to provide safety to individuals, but governments do have a duty to establish justice.
Look at the absolute state of British Police. They will literally run from protesters.
This is all because Sadiq Khan defunded the Met Police.
That means warlords time.
Rape festival?
Anything goes
>Minneapolis is too big not to have police.
has the state gone fully mad?
awesome. i loved the concept of "The Purge". what a great way to make it a reality. and just like the movies, the real reason for the annual purge is to destroy minorities and their communities. except the democrats tricked black people into doing it themselves.
its a free for all
There will be police
In what way does that make any sense at all? Who will protect you the ninja turtles? Imagine a movement so subversive it convinces the useful idiots to get rid of police.
Finally I can lose my virginity without the cops getting involved. The kids won't stand a chance against my hungry hungry asshole.
Do you know what abolish means? And no, community policing is a load of bullshit. The stats will change because they won't report most of the crimes that occur. Doesn't mean it will get better it just means the nogs will have free reign to be the niggers they are.
explain, German.
Wonder how long it will take for all the tax paying, respectable, law-abiding white americans to LEAVE Minneapolis.
Absolute Shithole.
6 months
I read the actual info on the case, yes. Obviously you already have your defense up in case a reset which has happened before and will happen again does turn out to work the way it is intended to. ((they)) will underreport crime in their city with no police, obviously.
It's already called little Somalia
And Godspeed. Plenty of other communities will be dying to welcome them in.
Its a simple search away, all over the news in various explanation styles. Stay dumbo and think that the council just decided to replace all police with social workers all you want, I'm just here to plant the seed that will turn you Shizo once reality stops working for you completely.
abolish =/= reset
You don't seem to have payed attention about how these cities have a history of making bad decisions.
Unironic "Enclav"e for White America to form when?
Have some more (you)s before I go to bed
Sure bud, take whatever Tucker is yelling and the memes shared on this site over a 30 second google search for the things that were actually said in reality.
Reminder that the Jewish mayor of Minneapolis Jacob Frey blamed "white supremacists" for the riots in Minneapolis and is requesting $55 million in federal aid to pay for the damages done by the rioting niggers
"Police Crack Down on Minneapolis Unrest After Mayor Blames Cartels, White Supremacists"
"Minneapolis Mayor to Seek Federal Aid after Looters Cause At Least $55 Million in Damage"
Can they really do this?
Aren't there federal laws protecting the police departments and making sure this could not happen unless the supreme court etc ruled it so?
I can't believe this is real, until I see it happening I'll still think it's just a floating meme
They are, you just gotta know how to get them with legal tactics.
State sponsored vigilante justice, what could go wrong right?
Oh sweaty, it's because communists are going to install their own police. They already subverted (((science))), (((universities))) and (((the media))). They're playing to win and stupid goyim are none the wiser.
I don't think there's anything protecting police departments, but there's no such thing as an un-policed part of America, the bigger police departments will start patrolling the streets if no one else does.
If their credit card bounces, let them walk home.
Are you dumb?
Do we have to spoon feed you?
"The Minneapolis City Council on Sunday voted to disband its police department and invest in community-based public safety programs following calls from activists to 'defund the police,' in the wake of George Floyd's death at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer."
>abolish police
huh? wat? whats habbeding in the US?
did i miss a mass dump of fluoride in the water last week?
Can't wait to see you fags cope with reality over these delusions.
>Something something da joos
I assume. See you around, losers.
>communists are going to install their own police
fuck off you drooling cunt. dont come back
>huh? wat? whats habbeding in the US?
Same old shit