Is it true that aussies are mistreating abbos?

Is it true that aussies are mistreating abbos?
How do we feel about that, internet?

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i'm feeling neglected

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Its not true. This is the statistics released by our government that the far left cite, but they cherrypick statistics and just say 400 DEATHS IN CUSTODY. Turns out half of that is natural causes, 30% is suicides. Only something like 7% is actually a malicious death and thats at the hands of other prisoners 99% of the time.
Also whitey dies 1.6x more in prison than the abo's. See for yourself.

Australia has bent over backwards for these useless cunts, the abbo's and lefties think it would be cool to be like the US, retards.

Don't rightly give a fuck desu

yeah nah, it's typical misleading statistics. they counted all deaths in custody even overdoses, suicides and homicides by other inmates.

the whiners just want there to be evil in the world so they can protest against it and feel superior. there's no actual evil in Australia so they have to make it up.

if they had any backbone they'd go fight against actual evil doers in foreign countries but they're too chickenshit to do that.

It's just a way in for the commies.

Human rights only apply to humans

>How do australian crocodiles get drunk on a bad day?
>Das right, snacking on abbos.

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