Never fuck with the Jews

Man was protesting and said he would burn down new Yorks diamond district. video here.

Immediately fox news said it was run by jews and denounced it. INSTANTLY

But when they burn down white or black businesses it's absolutely fine.

Well pic related, is an article here:

Now the nigga is locked up for making terroristic threats during the news.

Oh but it's protesting! What happened to looting and rioting being protesting? Well like I said never fuck with the jews.

Remmever when they went to the synagogue? They had police rooftop snipers guarding it.

Zig Forums what say you?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bump again

Damn pol what the hell happened


Well, yeah. New York and jews are synonymous and they don‘t hesitate when it comes to take advantage from their Power.

You chose this Life.


Lmao, I was born here I didn't choose to live here. But that being said it's so funny how they don't even try to hide the fact that jews run everything

It's all so tiresome

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Will he be bailed out? I don't think so, where are the jew controlled nigger cattle like john legend now

Sadly true.

really makes you think

Orthodox Jews are the worst.

His name is literally Israel A. Burns, AHAHAHA

Remember the cops learned the kneel on the neck technique.. FROM JEWS

How about all other threats to burn down the city?

As long as people can vote they'll convince themselves they're actually making a change and prevent themselves from making a real one.

NONE OF THEM were classified as terroristic threats. The second they targeted a Jewish area, that guy was arrested.

I'm looking for the tweet where they had rooftop snipers protecting a fucking synagogue. Meanwhile fuck the churches and the mosques.

>People flipping out about how BLM is breaking everything
>Zig Forums predicts that the second Da Joos are threatened it will be shut down
>This is exactly what happens
Does Zig Forums ever get tired of being right?

Well that's exactly it, but also these protestors are full of feminine energy, they bitch and moan and scream and complain but they have no list of demands of what they actually want nor do they want to work to achieve those things.

Defund the police department? Seriously that's what u come up with????

This is what I'm saying this is low iq shit but they keep the niggers in check because it's fine when it's white people or even black people but the second ur out of line against the jews, it's over for you.

But reminder - even hinting at that disparity, is ANTI SEMITIC.


Once I saw that nigger saying that on live TV I thought to my self that he would be caught and identified in a matter of few hours.
I was right tho...
If at least we could instigate the golem against the owner....


So what you're saying is we need the Jews to be an even more oppressed group than anyone else to win the virtue signaling war?

They already are, they expose themselves by their own actions. They are disproportionately heavy handed and by doing that and being trigger happy they prove that zionist satanic jews run the fucking world

I wonder who’s behind these riots?

This is why NYC niggers hate jews. They know. They know more about evil jewish tricks than the average white man.

They don't need to hide it

they dont know nuffin

Lmao was soros linked to delivering bricks? I mean follow the groups you have BLM, antifa, and the faggots - all are leftists groups funded by soros and Israel.

Also what's up with black ppl man? They are that lost that they gotta be in the street with FAGGOTS? like bro seriously what the fuck.

It's early nigga

> Also what's up with black ppl man? They are that lost that they gotta be in the street with FAGGOTS? like bro seriously what the fuck.


Lmao you know what you're absolutely right. But we up and running now so we got a good discussion going.

Lmao, am I right though? Like you're that mad about slavery that you're gonna team up with fucking weirdos and shit

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Kind of looks like someone we know.

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