>Be monolingual foreigner >Decide to move to and live in a country that speaks a different language >Take no incentive to learn the native language >Expect everyone in said country with a different language to accommodate your language
Why is this tolerated especially in places like the US? Pic related
thank you for this, fuck spics. anyone who doesnt speak english inside the border should be put to death
Thomas Clark
This happens everywhere else with people coming from English speaking countries.
Any american / british / australian may, and often do: >Decide to move to and live in a country that speaks a different language >Take no incentive to learn the native language >Expect everyone in said country with a different language to accommodate your language
Dominic Martinez
cope, just because someone does not know a language means shit, people like myself write and speak 3 languages and are not arrogant such as yourself. for Example, say yo go to germany, and you obviously dont know german(and i can bet you wont learn it) should you be killed even considering English is spoken there as well? i will let you answer that yourself
Liam Foster
You forgot one: >call natives racist for politely requesting that you learn the native language This is the most offensive aspect of it in my opinion.
Mason Wright
Because whites are supposed to learn their language and take care of them like little children. Even when they speak English they pretend they can't. Parasitic to near nigger levels. I wonder how many billions companies have to cut into their money for payroll on translator services for these subhumans.
Luis Cooper
>This happens everywhere else with people coming from English speaking countries Completely different situation. Most of the time the English speaking people are tourists, not “immigrants.” Also, English is the dominant global language.
Ethan Thomas
read this and no its no if you ask politely its ok but its not automatic it takes a lot of time to learn ,and just because of shit like that people should not be treated less human, mature a bit.
Asher Miller
>say yo go to germany, and you obviously dont know german(and i can bet you wont learn it) should you be killed even considering English is spoken there as wel Listen here you stupid coping fucking spic, the answer to your question is absolutely, without a doubt, YES you fucking retard. I wouldn't go move to germany without speaking german. Vacation maybe, but I'd never EVER move there to live without first learning. It doesn't matter how much you know or what you are worth, if you can't speak the countries' native language you can't really work and participate in the society, you are a disgusting foreign leech. Stupid stupid mexican.
James Taylor
This. It's one thing to speak your native tongue when traveling abroad as a tourist because you're only going to be staying in a place temporarily, it's completely different when you decide to reside in a place where knowing a language is essential for living on your own. If you're going to live somewhere that doesn't speak your language, not learning the native language is just immature and disrespectful.
Brody Bennett
because you cunts do it in other countries.
Xavier Lopez
>muh youre arrogant >be mature Dude you are one retarded fucking spic. You have the understanding of a literal child
Asher Evans
In Soviet Russia propaganda was not actually designed to control the masses, but rather to insult everyone who was intelligent enough and not member of the inner party.
It's the kind of game (((they))) like to play to their subjects. Feel any resemblance?
>Listen here you stupid coping fucking spic, the answer to your question is absolutely, without a doubt, YES you fucking retard. I wouldn't go move to germany without speaking german. Vacation maybe, but I'd never EVER move there to live without first learning. It doesn't matter how much you know or what you are worth, if you can't speak the countries' native language you can't really work and participate in the society, you are a disgusting foreign leech. Stupid stupid mexican. cope all you can say is but muh language, and yet i speak and write it, you have absolutely on point or argument at this point.
Camden Jenkins
prove me wrong , i will wait.
Ryder Perez
Meme is that they'll actually make your country speak their language, lmao
Hudson Cook
meant to type no instead of on
Daniel Parker
Are you being purposefully dense? You personally, have nothing to do with this conversation. Nobody cares that you can speak english bro, nobody cares. The people that DON'T speak english, shouldnt be moving here and then NEVER learning their entire life. What's so hard to understand about that retard? God you're an idiot.
Jayden Perez
I've known an american who would only speak english. I mean, I don't really care, at least he knew he was limiting himself here. He was doing an honest life so meh. Some venezuelans working in the restaurant below where I live also don't speak portuguese, but again, they are nice and trying to make an honest living. We can understand each other just fine speaking our respective languages, better than most spaniards can understand us, so meh.
This is bound to happen when most of the population can understand you fine, why even bother. I would do the same thing.
Joseph Brooks
The US never officially adopted a language and some people see this as a reason to not learn US English. Same shit is happening here with Turks and Moroccans that lived here since the 1960's.
Juan Nguyen
Dude take a single second to understand what I'm saying and stop getting all defensive and ass blasted. I would not move to mexico permanently without learning spanish. It's inconsiderate, I'd learn spanish first before permanently moving. If I went up to your store and could not speak a single word of spanish, it'd be annoying and you'd wonder wtf I was doing there
Christian Peterson
it's this kind of reverse conionalism that thinkers like Taleb & Dugin have been speaking about for 20 years and more
germany is a bad example, afaik they won't reply in english even if they can. learning their language is a must for living there. not a bad attitude to have, but very alienating.
Elijah Williams
They do speak English, or at least understand it, but they pretend they don't so they can feign ignorance and not have to engage.
Isaac Perry
fair enough i get your point to a degree but you have to admit, you are over reacting and over all making a fuzz over nothing, seriously do you honestly think Mexicans would do the same to you for stuff like language? come on now, and yes it could be considered inconsiderate, but keep in mind the circumstances, for example some of the people you mention do so because of need and need to provide for their families and just because a barrier of language wich has been getting fixed should not be a exuse to treat people less rightfully
Cameron Gutierrez
lol wut - absolutely everyone (ok like 90%) speak somewhat fluent English here - everyone is going to speak English - in the centre of the metropol areas, it's almost assumed you're a foreigner and speak English. Many business meetings here are held in English, even if the majority are Germans.
The people you are referring to are the French, and who can blame them? It's probably one of (if not the) most beautiful language in the world and it's a shame they are being culturally ruined like that.
Most Mexicans speak english you faggot. Those greedy fuckers only want and understand money and will learn english if it improves their standard of living.
That's what I meant, that most people there can speak english but won't. At least from the anecdotal evidence I've heard, but I'll take your word for it.
I actually hate how french sounds, but I feel the same way.
Juan Rogers
I'm really not overreacting, it's not the native populations job to care about these things, literally all you have to do is learn english. You were just insulting me because you said I couldn't and wouldn't learn another language, now you're jumping to the defense of people who need to provide for their families. If they really wanted to provide and assimilate to our country, the very VERY least they could do is learn the language. It's a big fucking problem
Owen Foster
No, people who don’t speak English should be purged from the US. >they want to provide for their families They shouldn’t have families if they can’t provide for them, but subhumans seem to be incapable of understanding that having sex produces children. They are base and animalistic and they have run wild long enough. At the very least they need to learn to speak the language of their masters
Kevin Evans
I kind of figured you guys speak english a lot since whenever I see german students coming here, they speak English better than us and then will apologize saying that they suck at speaking English. I'm scared someday you guys will forget how to speak german and it will become a forgotten language.
Hunter Flores
>you are over reacting No, there really are a tremendous amount of people in this country who want to enjoy life here but take no effort in learning our language at all.
t. Texan
>do so because of need and need to provide for their families This is going to sound incredibly blunt but why is that our country's problem? If there's issues in Mexico causing people to move here en masse and not learn our language then shouldn't that mean that the people in Mexico should be doing something about it? We aren't "wealthy north mexico" we're a separate country.
>they need to learn to speak the language of their masters whatever seriousness your post had, died with that, properly discarded. > it's not the native populations job to care about these things, literally all you have to do is learn english. its preferable but not a fucking mandatory thing like mentioned and so did i , why is it ok for example , for germans to accept and use english for outsiders to make them comfortable? but not in this case? just like you said its a matter of consideration.Also dont forget the world its globalized, and we as a species will eventually have a world wide language so its really a matter of time honestly. > You were just insulting me because you said I couldn't and wouldn't learn another language, no i was not insulting you, i was just assuming, or making a presumtive statement, is not an absolute. >now you're jumping to the defense of people who need to provide for their families. yes, that is a bad thing for you? i wonder how things would be if the things were put upside down. >f they really wanted to provide and assimilate to our country, the very VERY least they could do is learn the language. i get where you are coming from, there is a reason why i learned english , you know? but its not black or white, not everything is as simple as you see it.
Zachary Thomas
Anyone that doesn't know english and is currently living in the US is an illegal, you need to know english to properly move there. As a tourist in other countries is ok if you don't know the native lenguage, but speaking english will help you out tho, I am from Mexico and I went to Germany to visit a friend some years ago, I didn't know german but I was able to speak to most people using english.