a-are we the baddies?
Give me some whitepills lads.
a-are we the baddies?
Give me some whitepills lads.
who is we?
Get out you repetitive jew. You're irritating .
Every story needs its villain.
you mean Zig Forums or white people in general
in both cases - yes
it's the parasitic, non-human neanderthal admixture that made whites so alien
mountain cheese foreskin aa a aa destruction offoreskin forehead fore skin oh my goododododood
destroying people who think or say you are evil should be the way in life
no one deserves to judge me but me
sjws are two steps removed from becoming anti-semitic. First you measure things on a global scale and then look at wealth per capita as a measure of privilege.
Niggers and spics rioting in the most successful and orderly society.
How have the events of the past 2 weeks done anything but convince you we're the good guys?