They got her. She's totally on the side of the niggers. 11 fucking years old and she's a race traitor.
I think I'm gonna kill myself. I've never felt so empty. Demoralised as fuck. Feel like there's nothing left to fight for. They got my fucking KIDS Zig Forums! Keep an eye on yours.
They got my daughter Zig Forums
Slide thread
ok boomer
>My child doesn't regurgitate simplistic white supremacist maymays from a mongolian fingerpainting enthusiast site
I'm glad she has a robust enough support network around her to make up for your deficiencies
don't you dare trump out and start trying to fuck her
A true Brit then?
Take away her phone you cuck
Lol my son is more racist than I am you suck at parenting nigel.
You let the media and her teachers raise her, what did you think would happen?
She'll be in an electric blue miniskirt sucking a 27 year old man named Yusef's dick in the back of a taxi cab in a mere 5 years. They grow up so fast.
Surround her with black people until she gets nearly beaten to death or raped a few times, she'll come around eventually
kek get fucked bongoid. I hope your daughter gets raped by a pack of pakis you inbred subhumans bitch. but hey atleast you arent speakin german
Bring her to a muslim neighborhood and let her get raped. She will hate niggers forever, if she survives.
She is still young, you can still try to change her mind, I mean kids don't really start thinking independently till late teens, she is just copying what her teachers are parroting
Imagine having a daughter in 2020
have a chat
Where did you go wrong?! I been redpillin my child since he came out the womb!
Did the Bongs create their empire as part of a quest to find a fuckable woman somewhere?
>be lilly-ass white kid
>not racist at all
>parent's divorce landed me in inner city
>only white kid in school
>shit stolen
>beaten up
>constant intimidation
Quick cure.
Be a man or let someone else be her daddy
None of my kids are for this shit because they can see it's utter garbage and I've not even redpilling them. Then again we live in London so the experiences might be a hell of a lot different to yours!
fuck her right in the pussy, show her who's daddy
Take her to the protests, let her see the chimps for what they are.
They “got” her because you’re a weak father
But seriously, your cities are still.utter fucking slums and your government is filled with Thot sluts...but least you're speaking Urdu.
Seethe and kys :^)
Fucking slide demoralisation 1post by this IDiot AI scum. A thread died for this shit.
On the other side the queen is in home custody and Ghislaine Maxwell somewhere in London:
-bump this thread anons cause it's happening
Reminder: today its UK bots at work
Don't be stupid, 1 post by this ID
Slide thread
Post a photo of her then you fucking cuckold, you got nothing to lose.
Don't answer to OP and sage your post!
You wouldn't fuck a slag? There is something so animalistic about them they are so disgusting yet i want to fuck them.
simple as that.
They always do. They got me when I was a kid too. I'll never forget cutting my dollar bill in half in kindergarten to share with a nigger because his parents didn't give him lunch money. Only one of us are that day. It was the nigger. He begged the teacher who had just explained to me that my dollar was now worthless. I didn't put that story into any real world context until about 14. You have to start directing their confirmation bias while they form their world view otherwise they will be taught not to notice the patterns of niggerdom.
Done. Phone's gone. IPad's gone. Internet's gone. Do I take her out of school? My wife stays home so it's possible.
Beat her.
Go to borderline abuse of making her acknowledge her white privilege and atone for her original sin. Take away her possessions and say you’re donating it to the local black lives matter for kids group. Enforce strict curfews, and if she cries, call her a white supremacist and say you’re going to report her to black lives matter.
You can red pill a girl all you want, one spring break with her mother and it's all gone. I don't have enough time to post my experience, it was far from optimal though.
Newcastle. She's never even seen a real life nigger.
Yes 100% and won't get done for it at the moment!!!
She's eleven lmao if you handle this right it will be just a phase but if you punish her like those retards are saying you'll just make her more left
Make her kneel and take pictures. Send them to all of her friends at school. In fact you should threaten to take her out of school because it is a known breeding ground for white supremacy.