Am I the only one appalled, yet not surprised, at the number of racists exposing themselves in the last few weeks? I mean, we are literally burning down buildings over racism and y'all still feel brave enough to say wild isht on the internet. Man, what's it gonna take to come to grips with that fact that we not having that no more?
We're taking down your statues. We're changing your laws. We're closing your businesses. We're firing you from your jobs. We're defunding your police. We're voting out your politicians.
This is no longer a debate. We have had enough. It's been 400 years and we've tried to let you "come to your senses on your own." We now realize that isn't going to happen, so now we're going to help you. If you can't make a mature decision, we'll make it for you.
Racism is not a valid ideology. It's not a "freedom of speech" position any more than being a Nazi is. At this point, you're a terrorist. And we do not negotiate with terrorists.
i wish niggers were this organized without their jewish overlords, it might actually make it a fair fight
Camden Clark
just waiting for the cops to be out the way
Matthew Russell
niggers tongue my anus
Ayden Nelson
In order for him to hold that hood like that, he must be hurting the absolute fuck out of his wrist. Like try what he's doing with that hood and you'll see what I mean. As for the KKK shit, the KKK hasn't been relevant since the 1960s when they were actually worth a damn and weren't just a group of retards, lunatics and feds. Blacks just can't stop themselves from droning on about the KKK despite the fact they barely killed any blacks at all, their main shtick was harassment.
Fine, we're going to quit going to basketball games, and we're going to put all of the rappers in jail. KFC? All KFCs will not be closed, we're replacing them with Chick-Fil-A
You call us terrorists while you burn down buildings and kill people to push your ideology? How rich
Jack Sanchez
Today is gonna be the day That we only listen to the jews, By now we should've somehow Realized that blacks matter too, Now I believe that everybody Feels the way I do, and needs to bow,
Black feet, kiss them on the street, Start a fire when you all go out, Not sure that you've heard it all before but black is in now and white is out, Now I believe that everybody Feels the way I do, and needs to bow,
And all the roads we have to drive on are all blocked And all the chosen leading us there give us rocks There are many things that I Would like to loot from you but I don't know how
Now consider, we're gonna save all the niggers And after all, we're just your whitewall
Charles Robinson
>Am I the only one appalled, yet not surprised, at the number of racists exposing themselves in the last few weeks? Makes you think, doesn't it? Maybe the majority favors racist thoughts. Maybe "anti-racists" are the minority.
Brody King
Nolan Baker
>1 post by this ID
Dominic Baker
Read a book dipshit....get a job....don’t be cannon fodder for the neo liberal elite corpratists
Gabriel Clark
>the nigger thinks he has any power lol
Caleb Flores
incredible what’s possible with the media on your side. hey jamal, have you ever once wondered if white people are killed by police? have you ever considered that there might be a reason why you never see an unarmed white man being killed by police on tv? is it strange that you’ve never seen anyone wear a shirt with zachary hammond, chris few, tony timpa, or deven guilford written on it?
Dominic Martin
Notice how these niggers never actually want to try to prosper as a separate people - everything for them comes down to access to whites. What this "revolutionary" OP wants is reparations from whites so that his already-spoiled race can grow their asses even fatter on the hard work of superior people.
The truly oppressed want separation. The spoiled children want handouts.
Grayson Jones
You're proving the racists right though. Primal violent chimps destroying their own businesses and killing their own people. Not a great argument.
Gabriel Green
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Delta Force, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Oh vey how the tables have turned You know that sceen where loki in thor ragnarok appears and says : your savior is here
Nicholas Smith
Nigger the only reason you can chimpout is because you have the authority on your side how many times will you survive without your Kikes Masters and all this White brainwashed NPC to protect you ? I suggest you to visit middle east, south america, Asia and even Africa to understand what is racism and police brutality. Don't portray yourself as Lion when you fight sheep
Colton Torres
>drawing kkk instead of normal whitey bitch nigga
Grayson Roberts
I'm a racist. Why should I care?
Leo Butler
I know this is bait the only reason we haven't shot those low iq subhumans is because some of us still think theres a debate
mommy liberals are letting the nigger children act at tantrum to get back at daddy conservatives it will be over soon when mommy gets bitch slapped and you get grounded for 20 years
Lucas Turner
Racism isn't real. It's rational to hate and despise the races of mankind that are looting and destroying cities. You, being a retarded nigger, are too dumb to understand this and frankly I'm surprised that you can even write English. Sage
Adam Hill
this country is dead anyway so whatever dumb nigger you lose no matter what gg no re
Hudson Hall
>12.6% of the population, below replacement level birthrates Lmao
Kevin Jenkins
>Defunding Police Didn't happen, even the cucked mayor of MSP backtracked when actual black people told him it was a crazy white liberal idea that put them in harm >changing laws No laws have been changed >Closing businesses You mean stealing from businesses >Firing you from jobs Just get another one >Voting out politicians You don't believe in voting, read your own propaganda next time you LARP on 4chin
Noah Hill
>y'all still feel brave enough >still The best is yet to come. Expect reaction.
Tyler Gray
Pretty apt summation
Thomas Miller
I think u just need to burn more of ur own shitholes down to really make it clear, make sure u chase as many businesses away as possible, dont forget the gas stations. Def dont forget the gas stations
How many black children in the USA would literally starve to death without the financial assistance of white tax payers? Hint: 4 million You are biting the hand that literally feeds you. Let's see how empowered you are when the EBT dries up.
Samuel Ortiz
stop responding to 1 post by this ID slide larp nigger threads you fucking smoothbrains god you fucking morons I swear
Colton King
this. ima just keep saying nigger.
Hunter Wilson
Brayden Murphy
fuck off nigger go cry to the corporate bots and shameless faggot whores on social media