Why are white women trying to steal the limelight from blacks in the BLM movement...

Why are white women trying to steal the limelight from blacks in the BLM movement? Surely blacks can speak for themselves. Why do they do this?

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>oh my god you guyssss she supports BLM that means she wants BBC !!!!

You guys are stupid like 90% of normies support BLM. Not everyone is a racist poltard or an ethnic copcel. The average person doesn't support police officers killing black people over nothing

attention=stimuli of the pleasure center of woman brain

>Why are white women trying to steal the limelight from
That's what they do.

Attached: women.jpg (500x356, 28.85K)

They just love attention

This is just history repeating itself.
Back in the 1960s when there were black riots the exact same thing happened, a bunch of fruitcake white liberals took over and promoted the stupidest shit in the media while black communities burned.
It resulted in a massive victory for Nixon who was the 'law and order' candidate that black people voted for.

This is the "like" syndrome social media has ingrained in them alongside being drip fed white guilt in education. They're there to pose for the cameras and live streams and appear woke. If their friends recognize them, all the better. Want a perfect example? Take Sweden. Influencers were at the forefront of the protests there with signs and slutty costumes making big spectacles of themselves for likes.

Attention whoring. The thing about twerking on the ruins of society was not a fucking joke, it's the grim reality of what is coming.

Because it’s not about anything to them it’s just a photo shoot with some blacks in the background

"Women are dumb"
More news at 11

Most white girls are there because they like niggers. Most white boys are there because they like to behave like blacks and like niggermusic. Leftism is a sexual ideology.

>The average person
Is thankful that the police is protecting them from criminal blacks, whites, and what color you have.

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I wonder why.....

>It resulted in a massive victory for Nixon who was the 'law and order' candidate that black people voted for.
Blacks, in general, didn't vote for Nixon.

Attached: Black-Political-Affiliation-1936-to-2016.png (762x698, 58.46K)

Because women will do anything that will boost their social status and give them attention.
That's it.
If you made racemixing illegal tomorrow women would be the first to report their female friends, coworkers etc. to the police.
Why is this so hard to wrap your head around?
The only reason why some women are coalburners is because hollywood instilled in their head that bmwf relationships are "cool".

False. I live in the suburbs. People are either against or indifferent to blm. Even the few blacks out here

>Most white girls are there because they like niggers
No. They're there because they act upon the basic impulse of "wanting to do the right thing". They've just been trained from a very early age into believing that this is the right thing to do when it's not.
The people they're fighting for do not share the sentiment that we are all equal and that we all deserve respect and they will never fucking understand it. This is not about sex, this is about misplaced empathy.

It’s really all just marketing isn’t it?
Any new trend people just jump on and pretend like they are the first and foremost supporter of the trend.
Pathetic really.

they don't know self-esteem or they just want attention


Spread it

Attention whore traitors

How have you retards not figured out that women are literally children? They have to be led around like children by their fathers or their husbands. You’ve obviously seen how they act once they aren’t under the guidance of patriarchal figure. They are incapable of thinking for themselves. They see someone else doing something and getting social media likes so they jump on it. These dumb bitches don’t know white paint from bird shit, and most likely don’t give a shit about all this. Just bored and hungry for attention.

Older blacks are especially not okay with the rioting.

So what are we doing to make it 'not cool' then?

Since traditional religion is in decline in Western societies, wokeness has taken its place as the new religion.
You know how women are always the most pious, most fanatic followers of any religion? Same goes with this. Women don't have any inherent moral sense so they need a moral framework given to them from outside. Once they get it they're the strictest followers of that doctrine.
Now they have wokeness and PC given to them, and in that they have an infinitely restrictive ruleset to follow... and to police in others.

Requesting the picture with the woman with a black fist painted on her face and the text
>when something gets more attention than thots


Might be the case for some. However I bet most of them are lead by feminists who believe that 'if women ruled the world, it will be only peace and love'. This is just another attack on the 'white patriarchy'.

>Why was Lysistrata banned?
Lysistrata is an ancient Greek comedy by Aristophanes, originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BC. It is a comic account of a woman's extraordinary mission to end the Peloponnesian War between Greek city states by denying all the men of the land any sex, which was the only thing they truly and deeply desired.
Banned Books 387 B.C. to 1978 A.D

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Cuz everything needs to be about them, theyre the single most entitled cunts to ever live. Even in countries where theres like 2 black people overall like poland or lithuania or any other country the BLM protests were 95% young white girls. White women dont deserve rights.

You need to understand that due to how feminized modern society is, majority of men think in a very similar way. People are more dependent on authority providing them with/authorizing information than it seems. The average person wouldn't be able to tell their anus from a hole in the ground without a thinking framework provided to them.
Which means that change needs to be top-down, not bottom-up. Hell, there hasn't been a single case of a fully grass roots movement accomplishing anything in the modern era.
What needs to be done is the most intelligent of us burrow their way into government institutions, big corporations, think tanks etc.

We’re trying to make white nationalism cool from our underground social media bunker known as Zig Forums lol.

Attention whore
And also actual whore

Virtue signalling. They dressed up, made signs, and posed for this pic. I bet they were excited to post it to Instagram to get a dopamine hit from people admiring how virtuous they are

you're dumb lol

Women thrive on acceptance and attention. They require external validation. Dont give it to them for this shit.

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that bitch didnt even have to do anything with the photo. its like if the janitor took the picture with that black hole.