Why do white women love Black Lives Matter so much?
Why do white women love Black Lives Matter so much?
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They like taunting desperate niggers with top-tier pussy they can never get except through rape or the NBA draft.
But they still fuck them willingly...
>virtue signaling
>kike brainwashing
>peer pressure
>faggot father who didn't raise them good
>low IQ
>full time coal mining job
Pick one.
kys kike
Just because they don't fuck (You) doesn't mean they fuck nigs. But they probably do...
You see white "men" there too. But you'll ignore that to make more anti-white women posts because you want whites DEMORALIZED, you chink slave of the Jew World Order.
teenagers are dumb and will do whatever you tell them to.
They love anything that gets them attention.
Less than 10% of white women are willing to date outside of their race according to the aggregate of dating sites
>white women
Am*ricans are not white.
They want some nigger dick!
Far more white women then cucks though. It's really demoralizing
Women are NPC. They have no will. They'll follow what they are told for.
What about through prostitution?
>Why do white women love Black Lives Matter so much?
A woman's entire life is built around obtaining approval.
They will forget about BLM instantly when a new selfie moment appears.
Only replying to b8 thread because of them digits.
White women have been brainwashed by the kike university system, media, and corporate culture to hate themselves for following their natural in-group preferences and to masculinize themselves. At the same time all women are hypergamous, jockeying for the best males. At the same time still, white men have been feminized and cucked by the same systems to make them minimally attractive to white women.
White women still crave BWC over all else. They are settling for BBC because white men have become soulless soiboi bugmen.
because women crave power and attention is power for them
This, but unironically.
Nigs are too broke for that unless they win the NBA draft.
No children, members of the more empathic gender of the more empathic race.
Iv'e spoken with a couple of roasties before 95% of them hook up with black fellas but they would never have a child with one cause they know theyre shit fathers and shit people. They spout this BLM shit while they genuinely all have white boyfriends. Youre just a kink to piss of daddy for not buying the latest iPhone...
black cock matters
All women are sheep that follow the herd.
Nothing new.
Why do you think
they like black men more than white men, pretty simple to understand when they are literally protesting on black men's behalf directly against white men's actions
WTF? srsly what is the purpose of this i really cant wrap my head around it? what are they trynna accomplish
i think the better question is why were boomers such shitty parents.
Women conform to power, i.e. the dominant narrative.
If women are significantly over represented among your constituency, you're not oppressed. You're the power structure.
thanks user my dad abandoned me at age 3 and my mom was a drug whore bar fly
im super white and 130 IQ but yeah my parents deserved for me to be a homicidal criminal
white boomer parents fucking failed, specifically the FATHERs
Only the fat ones
>Far more white women
>consensus cracking
npc list
White women are natural born hookers. A negro woman would never kneel or protest for some dead white faggot.
Whites proving everyday how pathetic subhumans they are.
Check that picture against life in about five years. It will be a poster for what will come.
No man will touch that tainted pussy since she put on about 80 pounds and has a half breed child.
So live well on welfare, blame the system if you must. But being trash is just being trash.
They don't. They're only there to feed off the attention and social validation. White women don't even care about their own men, they certainly don't give a shit about other races.
They always dogpile other groups racial movements to turn it into another generic SJW bitchfest so they can monopolize the attention and limelight for themselves.
That's shopped right?
absolutely true, imagine any other race's women being a human shield for a white nationalist rally
fucking white women are complete shameless traitors
you wish. white women aren't white.
90% of coal burners are on the DL, ashamed and hoping to hook a white/(((white))) boy for financial security once they've had their fun.
Question White Women ask themselves every day: How can I make this about myself ?
Here's a better question. Why aren't white women scared for their lives when committing treason?
It's longer and thicker than white lives matter.
Because they are built for BBC
Most of those women are shit tier. Ugly, fat, daddy issues, and/or no tits/ass. Nothing of value is lost.
As Michael told Fredo: Never take sides against the family. Especially w a kike.
And to whatever extent that is true (and it is slightly) is only because of 50 years of anti white programming and humiliation. Slave women weren't raped, they have the pussy up willingly to white men because they were the power structure.
because they don't give a rats ass about men, but they knoe white men will run to their aid.
Maybe they really don't have a soul
never seen one with a hot girl in real life. live in an over 50% black county
just instagram, and they do that cuz instagram will promote them if they race mix.
the eagerness of their betrayal and the speed of it all was really black pilling
they truly don't hold the same special affection for us that we do for them