How can a nigger be so based ? He doesn't even seem to have the classic nigger facial features that they usually have...

How can a nigger be so based ? He doesn't even seem to have the classic nigger facial features that they usually have, what % of his DNA is white in your opinion ?


Attached: JesseLeePeterson.png (998x790, 955.33K)

Attached: 1590709671954.jpg (629x703, 89.85K)

Blacks can be honourary whites by being based as fuck. He is one of the rare few I am happy to call brother. I am atheist too but he is based and mostly sensible.

>He doesn't even seem to have the classic nigger facial features that they usually have, what % of his DNA is white in your opinion ?
you are out of your fucking mind

Is he Zig Forums's patron saint?

Bro look at those lips, they are not nigger lips compared to pic related

Attached: nignog.png (284x462, 230.44K)

he's cool

1/10 attributes


>t. patternrecognitionlet

>Jesus, "I am the way and the TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me

He is only based because he is a Christian.