How can a nigger be so based ? He doesn't even seem to have the classic nigger facial features that they usually have, what % of his DNA is white in your opinion ?
How can a nigger be so based ? He doesn't even seem to have the classic nigger facial features that they usually have...
Jaxson Edwards
James Wilson
Jeremiah White
Blacks can be honourary whites by being based as fuck. He is one of the rare few I am happy to call brother. I am atheist too but he is based and mostly sensible.
Cameron Young
>He doesn't even seem to have the classic nigger facial features that they usually have, what % of his DNA is white in your opinion ?
you are out of your fucking mind
Leo Brooks
Is he Zig Forums's patron saint?
Grayson King
Bro look at those lips, they are not nigger lips compared to pic related
Dominic Hall
he's cool
Ian Powell
1/10 attributes
Brody Rivera
>t. patternrecognitionlet
Daniel Thompson
>Jesus, "I am the way and the TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me
He is only based because he is a Christian.