Twitter needs to be shut down for political and mental wellbeing

Anonymous Vietnamese Bionicle Forums have their fair share of issues, I admit. But Twitter is by far the most unhealthy and toxic platform to exist.
>anyone you don’t like can be shut down by going back 10 years into his tweet history and pulling out a 2010 acceptable joke
>harassment of minors for allegedly being slightly racist
>the mere fact that every single comment is just people virtue signaling to their friends about how woke they are
What can I do as an American citizen to stop it? I am literally willing to give up some of my free speech if trump can pass something that limits nearly all internetspeak

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twitter shows how fucking stupid people are and i love it.

All social media is a cancer to the modern discourse in society and I think its had a major hand in the perception of media (obviously), the dissemination of information, psyops and general political discourse.

A field that is typically best done in a longer, open and rational format, of which twiitter doesnt have by design in its character limit. So all refutations must be threads long, or simply be a quick witted insult (if there is any wit at all).

The options of viable discourse, and this is very particularly prescient on twitter, are limited and it regresses us down to a child-like, emotional, and frustrated state where we cannot perceive the people we are talking to, we cannot ascertain tone, voice inflection, body language etc.

All the smaller, but very vital parts that create the established platform for a rational level-headed discussion that doesn't end in violence of any kind. Essentially social media has destroyed the social contract humans have cultivated for thousands of years for an attention seeking dopamine hit to ambush their political opponents.

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You're a retard. People will still act this way if twitter disappeared. Stop acting like the left and try to ban shit you don't like

Where will they go?

Twitter and all major social media should be nationalized. They are the public square, and white America can exert more control over them politically than it can culturally.

Same thing can be said for Zig Forums. You can’t have both, dumbass.

I would gladly tank this shithole in a second if it meant social media were to disappear. Hell, I’d tank the internet altogether.

Listen just leave social media. I don't use Twitter, Facebook, etc. I don't. I simply don't. It doesn't interest me. Nothing on there is anything I can't find anywhere else (and in better quality), the conversations are all banal, the advertisements are all creepily watching my every online move, everyone on there's a literal walking limbic system, the admins are completely insane, and moreover, the entire object of social media eludes me; as for the final outcome, as OP says, it is a toxic net-negative to have in YOUR life. You don't owe people your presence on social media. If you like me, if you wonder about me, you can text me, ring me, or come round and see me, and you know what? That's LIFE replacing a digital nothing. If you just asked me on social meda what I was doing, what the fuck is that compared to coming around and meeting me or talking to me like an actual human person? I don't know anons this world I was born into just isn't right

>tanking the entire internet
>for the sake of “muh politics”
I hate liberals too but come fucking on