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I am guessing there's something wrong with her

58 isn't "mid life," it's just plain old. Nobody wants to date an old lady.

Who could have possibly seen that coming?

40 years post desirable and she thinks it's funny good guys aren't lining up for the haunted house that is her empty womb.

this article is delusional

>She talks me through the list. First, there was complicated Chris, followed by Ben who was a disappointment in bed, and strange Tim who had a habit of talking non-stop about his collection of Hornby toy trains.

>Then there was the property developer who took her out for dinner, slopped spaghetti down his front and told Kim on their first date how much he liked sex.

>There are lots of others, too, whom she came across when she turned to internet matchmaking sites to find a long-term partner.

>‘But please don’t portray me as a man-hunter,’ she begs, perching on an immaculate white sofa at her home. ‘They seemed to be either liars, hopeless in bed, had a mean streak or had a former wife hovering in the background.’

Yeah. She is 58

because you chose for a career instead of having a family you fucking cunt

based autist Tim

She's had more dates in a year than I have had in my entire life

I'm into milf and Gilfs and would fuck her silly but would never date the old hag . plus she sounds like a cunt

mid would be 40-ish, max.

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Probably nothing besides unrealistic expactations.
By decent man she probably means a man of an eqaul social or higher social standingaround her age, but she doesn't that these either are in a happy relationships or can date 10-15 years younger, so she get s attention mostly from men her age that she considers losers and younger guys with a milf fetish.

> Too old to breed.
> Wonders why can't have anyone interested in her dry pussy.

You play with fire, you pay the price.

She really thinks she is going to live to 116 lmao delusional dried up old cunt

Zero sympathy

bitch stop dying your hair, I can see the wrinkles on your hands

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The delusions are greater than most men have.

If you thought you had delusions, think again. Maybe there is hope because this article is what delusion looks like.

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And yet shes more lonely than you and probably a drug addict/alcoholic to cope. Single women are seriously broken and should be euthanized.

>At 58, the divorcee owns a three-bedroom house in a smart London suburb and looks ten years younger than her age. You would expect her to be pursued by a string of eligible men.

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Why do you think these people are always pro open borders? Only desperate refugee men will fuck them.

No shit. Mid life is 25-50 considering a 75 year life span.

>looks 10 years younger than her age
No, she looks 58 alright

58 isn't mid-life, it's endgame
actually, the game is dead and abandoned by this point


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She still has her engagement ring on.

thats what I was thinking.

average life span is is 70-80... So mid life should be 35-40

I guess its different coz she is female.

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>and looks ten years younger than her age
Um, no.

>Sleeps with guy named Ben, says he's bad in bed
>Gets mad at property developer for mentioning sex
>Gets mad at Tim for talking about his hobby, something that interests him

Basically she's retard

Gotta love photoshop and what you can do with it.
>what? Its real

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prob boring af and "sassy" to top it off.

>runs an architect's office
lol so she's a secretary?

> daily good news thread
OP was not a fag

fucking delusional women. they think they have any value if they have a good career and a feministic attitude. I'd rather date a simple woman with a warm character and a good heart than an overglorified businesswomen

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I'm trying to figure out at what point she decided that having an article written about her situation would be a good idea?

Based satan

>mide life
>almost 60

What does a single guy in his 20’s do with all of this going? Marriedfag here wondering what the dating/hookup scene is like these days. Seems simultaneously easy and yet mind numbingly annoying. Any youngfag Chads care to chime in?

She wants to "be swept off her feet". What she doesn't realize is that at her age, it's either hopeless virgins or divorcees she will meet, no one else. And no one has time for playing stupid games with her use-by-date ass.

She should look for men in Eastern Europe lol

>children: want someday

>Financially self-sufficient, she says she was keen to find a go-getter, someone who had achieved something in his life, who was educated, had old-fashioned values and would join her on adventures exploring the world.

>old fashioned values
>adventures around the world

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