>You support transwomens' right to participate in female sports dont you, user?
You support transwomens' right to participate in female sports dont you, user?
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Honk fucking honk
This is comedy
To white women: You get what you fucking deserve
Female sports doesn't exist anymore. It was eliminated by the woketards. It's now officially crazy faggots sports.
Let no man desecrate his temple for god has made them perfect
Those not born with the sign of the age of Aquarius should not combine the feminine and masculine forms.
Protect Pastoral Femininity for the good of all mankind.
Pray that the lost find there way home, May gods love for us shine brightly in the darkness so that the lost may find there way home.
May we all thank god for everything.
May god be with us all!
Title IX violation. Hopefully any affected girl will get millions and the trannies will be burned at the stake.
Speed us toward peak wank
I am for the establishment of an all inclusive sports league, where you can participate no matter the gender, no matter what medicine you need to compete and no matter if you need robotics to participate in your choice.
I will call it the equality league and will cheer up all the roided, almost non human monsters with artificial limbs in a bloody competition.
Niggers. So fucking lazy theyd rather become a tranny and play womens sports than get a regular job. These motherfuckers dont do anything but rap run act and rob.
I'm trans and i played NCAA soccer. But i'm also 4'11 and 120lbs. Theres no reason i shouldn't be allowed on a girls team. I had been on HRT 2 years when i played
Someone that's like 6'2 and 250, no, not so much.
what's this feeling called?
except for the fact that your a man, and not a girl.
if you actually tried you could actually destroy any woman regardless of their height, with the exception of trained MMA fighters.
muscle density isn't something you lose just because of hrt. especially if you actually kept in shape and did sports.
its called "topkek get fucked weak roasties"
Why no, I do not have an opinion on this issue due to the fact that I don't have a degree in sports science. Dr. Cohen phd knows best
not true at all. i was awful compared to other girls on the team.
Ofc i do user
Based. Fuck woman
Is that normal?
There is no advantage for me in picking either side.
I absolutely do.
Aren't women big supporters of all of this? Let them feel the consequences.
Also, trannies are elevating women's sports to whole new level.
No. fukk off
no, i dont
t. tranny
yes. I do. I don't care on "redpilling women" like some newfags who don't understand that women can't be redpilled. I just like laughing at their misfortunes and then see women actively defending this shit anyway. It is just too fun.
Yes, it's genuinely the funniest shit I have ever seen in real life. 6 and a half foot tall males with dense bones and muscles from years of test destroying 5 and a half foot tall tops females pumped full of estrogen.
It's the funniest shit I have ever seen. I want all contact sports to be unisex. All of them.
the trouble is it should only be for some kinds of sports where the equality is more certain, and anyone who overtly looks macho more than a macho sportsy girl would, should simply not be allowed or have extra scrutiny or something, sorry, its just for fairness - if you want to play with the girls, its not fair if your using a male advantage - if you can minimize that advantage enough as to not be physically noticable, than i think you probably will have a performance advantage more in-line with lucky (for sports) female genetics and it can stay fair
maybe have some muscle mass average cutoff or something, check testosterone and other hormone levels, and maybe do blind studies on baseline strength and endurance tests on competitors as part of the qualifying process and anyone any signficantly outside of that is not allowed - and to prevent cheating on that and then easily winning, have a review process snd anyonemfound of violating that process faces a multi-year ban in competing by the governing body of the sport
and if there is sufficient number of trans to have their own competition, then have it
i think this can be done fairly for everyone it just takes some extra work and expense, and that sucks sure but i think it's worth it to make sports more accessible for everyone
I'm just waiting for a high school season where last year's mediocre Boys' Team of 6'5, 230-lb basketball players tosses on wigs, becomes this year's Girls' Team and wins every game 160-3.
I was a swim coach, and nearly my whole boys' team could beat the girls' records in all the events. What happens when one decides to go from the 4th best male swimmer to the #1 female swimmer in the school's history? Or if a trans "boy" has "his" tits out because "he" is wearing a Speedo like the rest of the team?
I always let out a huge mong laugh when I see footage like this. The mother of the nigger sprinter states anyone who opposes her tranny son from competing is a racist and sexist. I really hope to see this at the Olympics.
I support trans lives!!
Which one is trans? I can't tell. :^)