Is American military might a meme?
You'd think something as important as an air-force chief of staff would be a merit conscious choice. Not a pick to appease leftist outrage mobs.
Is American military might a meme?
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This guy has been considered for a year or 2 now, not because of recent riots. He was also the PACAF commander, which is important as we pivot from the middle east to china. Nothing to do with BLM, but the media is trying to spin it that way
It IS the chair force
Now that we have a space force they'll slowly go the way of the coast guard
I'd take a nigger over a woman any day.
the military is fake dude
He’s literally an example of a good black person, he’s an American hero without being a shill
I guess this explains why they split the Space Force away from the Air Force.
Maybe he is worthy (IDK) of the position and the leftist media is just exploiting his colour for TRP. Wouldn't be the first time.
1. It's the Chairforce.
2. Better a nigger than a women or faggot. Unless he is a niggerfaggot then that is pretty fucking bad.
3. This is clickbait. The US has had niggers at the top position before.
Who would you rather run the economics/trade negotiations for your country? The white Karl Marx, the white John Maynard Keynes or pic related?
Media perpetuating racism by citing skin colour, what a surprise.
Didn't one of his Sargeants just murder a white cop for being white in Santa Cruz?
First thing he did was speak about politics, race bait, being a professional victim, and how insecure he is. Nope.
based sowell
He murdered him for beeing a cop
Gonna have to disagree. When a POC mutt kills a white man, it's because he is white. All niggers are garbage, feral animals, even when you put a stupid little AF uniform on them.
The military is a joke.
-t. OIF veteran (Iraq war)
as inept and retarded as the American military is, you have to realize that all the militaries of the rest of the world is either too small to stand up to the amount of munitions we can field or are even more inept and retarded than we are. That mutt in an ill fitting uniform is the peak of human military might, it's mind blowing if you think about it.
That looks like the face of a man that looks at the apes and says "you fucking niggers are making my life harder than it needs to be".
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Appointed zionist jewish bankerster Wilbur Ross as Secretary of Commerce
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>FBI declares white nationalists as dangerous as ISIS.
>Anti bds laws
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Pedogate has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade
>Full amnesty omnibus Bill
>Summary of bill:
>Combating European Anti-Semitism Act
>Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.
>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.
>'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.
>fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel
>the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'
Who gives a shit? You're acting like the tumblr outrage crowd
Worth it for the salt on all sides.
Thats a good thing, poc are underprivilegied people we should all worship them because they were maltreated during slavery times and appartheid
Nah he was Mexican.
Killed him for being a white cop.
If it was a nigger cop he would have licked his asshole clean for him.
You have NO idea who this man is. Sad. Read up before you criticize just because of his skin color.
The Air Force used to be the fundamentalist Christian branch of the military. Once that got out, it had to be pozzed which Obama did a very good job of accomplishing. Part of the reason for creating the Space Force was to get the important assets out of the control of the pozzed USAF. Trump gets to set up the command structure of the new branch and you'll see more and more of the important parts of the USAF transferred over there until the Air Force is reduced down to a rump of a service that just flies planes. You'll know it's for real when control over ICBMs goes to the Space Force.
Also note that the USAF is not the same thing as the Department of the Air Force. DAF contains both the USAF and the USSF and is easier to control directly by the Executive Branch. Don't be surprised if at some point the Department of the Air Force is renamed something that encompasses the entire mission of both the USAF and USSF.
First Kang chairforce commander under Trump and not Obongo, absolute fucking cope
The military serves the jew world order.
No european nation ever (except shitaly) lost a war against africans and sand monkeys while maarika is losing wars there all the time.
Merika has the $$$ and equipment for war but not the warrior spirit.
There are men in the airforce who are not happy with the infiltration, they will not stand for it, if it is a marxist take over.
Hopefully he can prevent any islands with US bases from tipping over
china could have a shot in the future but they probably lack real experience and would turn into arab tier 'strategy'
Oh fuck off. They're all bugmen. The dozen or so racists can't do shit.
It wasn’t a decade ago, now though I’m not sure
Does a spending shart exists in PPP?
I am sure china produces all their shit for not even 1/10 of the price america does same with wages for their soldiers and half of americas spending is actually just the welfare for their veterans so the actual power of the US army is not so big at all.
I doubt it, China’s military leadership is more retarded than ours, lacks logistical capability, has a green water navy, and their economy has a parasitical dependence on our economy.
Pic is the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, who has used his position as the highest ranking enlisted member of the Air Force for political purposes. He will not be punished or reprimanded for this breach of military protocol.
>Just like most of the Black Airmen and so many others in our ranks…I am outraged at watching another Black man die on television before our very eyes,” Wright, the highest-ranking enlisted member in the Air Force, wrote.
>“What happens all too often in this country to Black men who are subjected to police brutality that ends in death…could happen to me. As shocking as that may sound to some of you, this, my friends, is my greatest fear, not that I will be killed by a white police officer (believe me my heart starts racing like most other Black men in America when I see those blue lights behind me) But that I will wake up to a report that one of our Black Airmen has died at the hands of a white police officer,”
It doesn't matter how many blacks you promote to the highest positions or how many gibs you provide them, they will never be satisfied with it. It is never enough and they will always demand more.
This has been debunked. But racists keep trying.
Johnson's office later said that he was a tremendous deadpan and used a facetious metaphor to draw attention to the potential negative impact caused by the addition of 8,000 marines and dependents to an island of 180 000 people.[36]
I don't think you understand how far removed 4star generals are from random staff Sargents doing dumb shit