Did not get job because white

Why is it ok to be racist against white people? I handed my resume to a manager and he said he could not hire me because I do not have "minority status". How is this shit legal?

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>he said he could not hire me because I do not have "minority status".
you need to have a small hidden spycam going so you can catch them doing this.
it will fix this issue very quickly for everybody else since it's a federal offense to discriminate based on race.

No court will enforce it this way.

1965 Affirmative Action executive order


Big city fags have such wierd problems

Attached: image.adapt.990.high.Vijay-Chokal-Ingam_affirmative_action_a.1428777886935.jpg (990x362, 204.2K)

is there a term for this kind of a shit? like a real scientific term
i hate seeing it
you get some nigga pride speech hating on white people and it gets 100k upvotes
you take the same speech but flip it so it's hating on black people and you get 100k downvotes and doxxed, cancelled and obliterated
how is this a thing, seriously

>minority quota
Since you dont fit in this one, its illegal to hire someone in that quota while employee is not being a nigger\autist\cripple.Yet it illegal to decline someone in hire because of their race, status or religion, hence why quotas exist in the first place.

in a pre-george floyd world you could get him in trouble if you jumped through the right hoops
not anymore