Germanic / Norse Paganism

Red pill me on Paganism and how it will save the white race. I'm America with 81% Scottish DNA. I never felt connected to Christ/Christianity even though I was raised a baptist. As of late I have felt connected to the Gods, it's strange.

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>germ religion

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do Christians believe that we have to hang out with niggers and pajeets in heaven?

it could be cool muh vikings and stuff but the reality is that all this pagan cultures practiced human sacrifices even children and zoophilic rituals

and you know what I found out recently? that Natso germany was doom the minute they embraced the "black sun"...

>1820-1821“I also saw the various regions of the earth. My Guide (Jesus) named Europe and pointing to a small and sandy region, He uttered these words: ‘Here is Prussia (East Germany), the enemy.’ Then He showed me another place, to the north, and He said: ‘This is Moskva, the land of Moscow, bringing many evils’.”

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>a gaul larping as a roman
>a medmuttlarping gaul who doesnt know that germanic myth is more or less the same as literally every other european myth


>here comes the schizo

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>>a gaul larping as a roman
I know I am a celt, but larping as a roman is an IMPORTANT FRENCH TRADITION

plus its not really a larp, most of the empire was celtic, largest ethnicity group within it that is, and we contributed as much as the greeks to its culture and achievements, and more than the latins themselves

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Same background as you OP. I feel completely disconnected from the desert Semite religion I was raised in. Paganism feels better to me, but a lot of the people into it are larping neckbeards. Respect the gods you wish in private.

Fuck off christcuck

>I know I am a celt, but larping as a roman is an IMPORTANT FRENCH TRADITION

But you're also LARPing as a Frank

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>But you're also LARPing as a Frank
no we re not, fuck franks, we cut off their head, the name just stuck

>no we re not, fuck franks, we cut off their head, the name just stuck
When, the French revolution?

yes obliviously

ever notice how we rebelled because we were enslaved because we, at some point in the past, were enslaved? causality

Norse paganism has been misinterpreted and tarnished by christjews and neo-pagan idol worship larpers

Norse Paganism centres around divination and reincarnation. The gods only existed as a metephor and represent jungian characteristics, same with the myth surrounding them.
Odin has 1000 names because he represents you, the self, who has been reincarnated 1000 times (metaphorically)
Gods (Man) ascend and descend from Asgard (consciousness, divinity) on a rainbow called bifrost, its a rainbow because every colour represents our chakra

The closest thing to god in this religion was deified nature, neo-pagans and their thor marvel figurine idol have a christianised worldview

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Can someone explain why the hammer is upside down?

>we contributed

literally we wuzzing here my dude. Also youre a gaul larping as a romanlarping celt? Have I got this right? What the actual fuck my baguettenigger.


I'm not larping. I just want to understand Paganism better. I feel a connection to it. I'm not a Pagan, at least not yet.

if you're almost exclusively Scottish why are you looking into Germanic paganism

The romans identified that the gods of the barbarians were similar (possibly even the same) to their own.

Yes I know. Norse Paganism gets a bad image from tv shows like Vikings with all the sacrificing and killing. There is not much info on how that prayed or practiced the religion. Everything learned was from early Christians from England that wanted to push everyone away from Paganism via lies. They lied about it but assimilated and incorporated practices into Christianity, and holidays.

ok Varg

I just want to learn about all European Paganism. Many of the early Scottish practiced Norse Paganism pre england. It's hard to say what was before my Scottish ancestry. Most OG Scottish came from the north.

Gauls are celts you snownigger

>literally we wuzzing here my dude.
lmao how so

we were a fully integrated part of the empire that contributed more great men than any other group

also remember that most gauls that joined the empire did so peacefully and voluntarely, caesar btfo a few gaulic tribes yes, but most allied with him in exchange for seats at the roman senate, and those that did not were often slaughtered as well

>Also youre a gaul larping as a romanlarping celt?
thats all french people
also are you somehow implying gauls are different from celts? maybe your phrase is just worded weirdly

>The romans identified that the gods of the barbarians were similar (possibly even the same) to their own.
obliviously, thats just shitposting, not that you civilisationless snowniggers would know

hey I got a joke

>two germanoids enter a taberna
>the barman points at a sign, saying "you need to wash yourself before entering this place"
>the snowniggers reply "what? we cant read!"

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Franks never enslaved us, they played the same role the romans did to us, and adopted our culture and religion in no time

People think the assimilation and adopting culture took a long time when it's simply not true. Within a few generations of Kings everyone was almost perfectly assimilated.

>Franks never enslaved us
right, feudalism is just an invention, franks werent a marauding tribe some corrupt roman fucktard allowed to settle a part of northern gaul in exchange for "protection" until they decided to lay waste to the empire and conquer the rest of it for themselves, destroying every bit of culture and civilisation, scrapping roman law and institutions, replacing them by some basic form of pyramidal slavery

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How can you seriously believe a cum drinker god and his thunder shitting son rule the world ? You can't, and that's why pagans disappeared, they were not forced
All the myth are just a bullshit fairy tale for teenagers

I never said I believed in it. I said I felt connected to it. I want to understand it.

>How can you seriously believe a cum drinker god and his thunder shitting son rule the world ?
The "cum drinker" meme comes from a homosexual Jew named David F. Greenberg in his book about homosexuality. He also said Jesus took part in homosexual rituals, but in typical christcuck fashion you accept jewish propaganda without question

good goy :)

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>Franks never enslaved us
>How can you seriously believe a cum drinker god
ohhh you re a mentally ill christcuck

that makes more sense

yeah I guess you WOULD believe franks and the kings never enslaved us if your entire education came from a school ran by a cult lol

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The pyramidal slavery you talk about is just natural hierarchy that all of europe and even fucking japan experienced, nothing to see with franks
The roman empire was already in ruins and without the franks we would have been Andalusia 2.0, which I don't think would have been better at conserving roman institutions and laws

This is the kind of stuff I want to know about. These people just attack Pagan relentlessly and don't take into account what a big role it played in Europe. Only shit talk.

It's projection, catholics worship a holy jewish foreskin

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I'm not christian, but paganism has brought nothing to humanity, christanity made europe the best continent in the world for centuries out of the ruins of the roman empire and uncivilized barbarian niggers

This thread is trash. Search the archives. Do your own research. Check out Survive the Jive and Fandabi Dozi on jewtube for some historical insights. Truth is we don't know much. There's a few secondary sources like the Eddas but a lot of conjecture.
Modern paganism is just as gay as christcuckery. What we need right now is racial tribalism. Let your people be your religion. Everything else is details. Hitler was fucking right about everything.