>"I don't live in the city, nothing these protesters are doing will affect me in any way."
"I don't live in the city, nothing these protesters are doing will affect me in any way."
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It's all democrat and jewish. They have removed the facts and are re-writing history. All that doesn't really matter, what matters is removing democrats.
America is a failed experiment. The South will never rise agian. Just make plans to escape this shithole. An ethnostate in the South will never happen because of the slavery boogieman.
niggers tongue my anus
Should've sent the farm equipment back to Africa once they were obsolete
How does changing the State flag affect you?
>a state you don’t live in is changing its flag
>surely NOW you’ll drive hours to a shithole city full of people you hate to get arrested
The Confederates were Democrats. It's a Democrat flag.
>how does erasing Southern history effect you?
That ethnostate moved westward when the south collapsed. They wanted to turn the Pacific Northwest into a New Dixie but you know... kikes.
You didn't answer the question. How is this going to affect you?
It is symptomatic of a culture, nation, and civilization that has steadily turned against me and wants me destroyed.
There's your answer, Shill.
hopefully they do like Georgia and make it a less known confederate flag.
You are not a flag and the Confederacy doesn't exist. You may feel attacked but in reality you are not. YOUR democratically elected State government is de-legitimizing the remnants of an illegitimate government that you have never been a part of. The South was not created by the Confederacy and and it didn't die with it either. You are not affected by this in any way.
Shut the fuck up. If you come on my property and touch my flag. Your life will definitely be affected. You’ll be shot, but none life threatening of course.
Then we will hog tie you and feed you to the Alligators across the road. We will even film it and post it on Best Gore.
It will be called Transexual BDSM fetishist gets alligator blowjob.
If fapping to your sexual fantasies helps you cope with this then I'm glad you're dealing with it
You’ll be the one getting eaten by alligators and of course we will have a good time watching.
confederates are traitors and it's too bad davis wasn't hung from the highest tree
look up judah benjamin if you want to know why
This. Why are Trump supporters defending a Democrat traitor flag? They must be trannies larping as GOP.
This is the new Mississippi flag.
Say something nice about it.
Heightened cortisol levels. All commie shit does that.
where's the giant black dick?
Considering how far the commies are getting in Seattle, the south could probably rise again tomorrow if any of these fucking LARPing rednecks were willing to risk their new ford trucks and their bass boats for it. Complacency is destroying the white race.
Treason against cunts is loyalty to humanity.
Not a Trump supporter anymore either. He’s the weakest punk-ass occupant of the White House ever. Even Jimmy Carter would not have let any of this shit continue beyond, oh, 48 hours or so.
They don't have the Confederate Flag on their emblem though.
It sucks but I'm surprised it's lasted this long desu. It was gonna be removed eventually.
[Rebel Yell Intensifies]
You're right but NPC's call it the Confederate flag lol
The country is a big hot kettle of popcorn, getting hotter. Just don’t be the first kernel to pop.
You're a Democrat tranny trying to get me to vote Biden. Trump hasn't lost a single voter since 2016. Republicans have never supported Confederate flags or monuments, not because of racism, but because Lincoln was a Republican and secession is treason.
Lol in our community the liberals kept harassing one of my neighbors for flying a confederate flag. They tore his mail box up.
So he set their new Mississippi flags on fire. It was great.
fucking clueless people dont understand that slavery had zippedy doo da to do with the civil war and everything to do with The City of London's ceaseless attacks against freedom, the world round.
It's about setting precedents
You give these people an inch and they will take a mile sooner or later
You can argue that every part of American history and culture are the remnants of historical racism, and therefore these people are justified in destroying them
The constitution, which protects our rights to free speech and bear arms, was written by people that owned and/or profited from slaves and believed black people shouldn't have a vote
How long before the constitution is declared a relic of our racist past and done away with?
How long before they start coming home to home taking our possessions because our wealth was generated in a racist system?
How long before they start killing us because our whiteness is offensive to them?
You cannot and should not try to appease these people
If anything we should move in the opposite direction to show we will not be bullied and terrorized and coerced into changing our history, culture, and values
I'm an American and I will fight for my nation, the real America, not some leftist's 'utopian' vision for our future
This means all of American history, even southern history, southern identity
My family is from the North, I have relatives that died in the civil war so the slaves could be freed, I have relatives that died in WW2 to save Jews from total extermination
What's my thanks from the people that my ancestors died to save? Constant demonization for my skin color
Scapegoating my race as the cause of all the world's problems
Psychological warfare on our children using hijacked institutions that we're forced to pay for with our taxdollars
Fuck that, fuck you, fuck black lives matter, fuck antifa, and fuck all leftists who support this cultural revolution
This won't end well for you but keep digging your graves