Are Armenians white?

Attached: 755598528732919.jpg (1920x1188, 2.32M)

Is there a nation more obsessed with race than americans?

Don't know, but they're hot.

Attached: HuqoHDzf_o.jpg (2100x3150, 423.01K)

Skin wise? No

In their form of Christianity? Yes

Attached: download (3).jpg (259x194, 11.97K)

She has a wide face
Ectropion (drooping lower eyelids)
box jaw
bulbous nose

Is she jewish?

I see no difference btw

Yes. Maybe not "white enough" for some, but Armenians are ultra-based white Christians surrounded by shit-skins and Muslims.

I've been to Armenia and it's beautiful. The women are traditional and beautiful (they're not Kim K). The men are friendly and masculine.

There are green hills as far as the eye can see. It looks like a make-believe video game world.

Best of all: no niggers, no kikes.

Take the Armenia pill.

Mark Twain thought they were better looking than American women


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