The United States should end military aid to Israel.
1. Military Aid to Israel is unnecessary. Israel is a very prosperous country and more than capable of paying for it's own military.
2.Military aid to Israel is a security risk to the United States. Israel has been selling American developed military technology to China for more than a decade. These sales have been instrumental in the modernization of China's military.
3.Military aid to israel is a diplomatic liability,
4, Military aid to israel is illegal under American law. Israel's human rights violations disqualifies Israel from receiving military aid under the Leahy Law and Israel's sale of nuclear weapons technology to the Apartheid South African government' disqualifies Israel from receiving military aid under the Symington Amendment.
Israel still sucks
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You're a fucking retard if you think it's anything but the largest money laundering scheme on earth.
Listen fren, this argument set only makes sense if you want to end the oil control grid over world industry
If you want to keep oil, Israel is giving you way more than 4 billion per year worth of Intel on maintaining middle eastern resource control
But jewish cum tastes so good and you all can’t help yourself :^>
1. calculate the aid as a percent of annual us military spending
2. calculate the aid per working american, annually
it's not a difficult exercise, but you won't do it.
your ideology requires you to pretend that basic math is impossible
Oh yeah,, that great intel.. were they the ones who told us there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Remember that? Did they ever find them.
Here's a video of CIA expert talking about how the Mossad gives members of Congress "alarmist and misleading reports"
Gosh,, it's not that much money in the general scheme of things.. that's like a finding a tick on your body and saying "I can lose a pint of blood in a day with no ill effects I'll just let that cute little guy feed on my life blood".. Fuck NO! burn that fucking tick off.
When Congress voted to give Israel more money,, Israel had been running a an annual budget surplus of ten billion for five years.
It's not just the money.. it's also the transfer of American military technology to China,, it's against our own laws,, and supporting Israel is an international disgrace for America.
Giraldi and his one-man "Council"
Iran-Russia shill
>If you want to keep oil, Israel is giving you way more than 4 billion per year worth of Intel on maintaining middle eastern resource control
One man? Wow this leaf jew is lying hard.
Would you like to learn what he's afraid of you learning. Watch these videos.
lol u don't get it do you
the west IS ISRAEL
As if Israel had oil... or any other resources.. Pretty fucking funny their God gave the only spot in the entire Arabian peninsula with no oil.
Hold on fellas. If the US were to cut it's aid to Israel, just where would the AIPAC get the shekels for campaign contributions?
What does this incoherent word plan even mean?
maybe a few dozen among tens of thousands of high level (and gentile) military and national security people, many with very deep knowledge, and many experienced hardasses, active and retired, agree with you
usa elites perceive the value of the relationship.
your motives are suspect.
you should go back
so no one will do the calculations you fear the power of multiplication and division to pulverize your tiresome propaganda
that's why you aren't welcome in any policy analysis conversation among grown-ups
I can hear the boomer rage seeping through these threads
What ones do you have, Moishe?
Antisemites will be the first to go on the day of the rope. Think of that next time you make a thread like this.
Strike & Mike discuss a leaked Zoom chat of Zionist activists plotting against the Constitutional rights of Americans and discussing how to brainwash and socially engineer young people.
Good try,, Hasbara.. But you have no idea what the Day of the Rope is.
But nice try at using Zig Forums. slang.
We really do need to. This is the only platform position that could get me to vote for Biden.
it's not an option in the upcoming election.. Sanders spoke about making aid to Israel conditional on them following international law,, so AIPAC smothered his campaign.
But spread the word,, Americans only tolerate this shit deal because they don't know what a shit deal iit is.
People who make Israel-hatred the center of their politics are deformed
inciters will tell any lie millions of times to advance their power:
nazis, cuz perceive they can only advance social & economic position by genociding jews
radical arab nationalists, cuz can't face the awful decisions mideast gangster-leaders made in past
islamists, cuz allah-hu akhbar
russians & chinese cuz destroy american domestic peace, then its global footprint
radical leftists, cuz destroy american imperialism & colonialism & capitalism
honest informed americans:
- general affection and respect for jews & israelis
- tough neighborhood!
- stable global energy flows
- 18 bucks a year. great deal.
- gotta incentivize arabs to advance beyond warlord politics, and make countries where arabs, who are humans, like to live
That’s a lot of typing for something that holds no water. We shouldn’t give money to anyone, especially Israel.
What a load of shit.. Why give money to a nation with a budget surplus? Why share military technology with a nation that sells that tech to China?\
Why is Israel above the law? the symington amendment says that any nation with nuclear weapons cannot receive aid unless it complies with inspections.
israel is the largest per capita recipient of foreign aid in the world while having a standard of living higher than the European Union.
What should we call this?