/our/ boy is back with new hit
/our/ boy is back with new hit
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/wsg/ is going to be lit
Nobody cares about your nigger wannabe rapper zoomtard.
And I’m broke as fuck trying to live a decent trad life
God help me
Damn those plastic titties and ass look delicious
Bitch is hotter than a supernova.
Nigger. Go catch a statue.
never been attracted to fake tits
still, it's intriguing.
>he worships a degenerate white nigger with a tatted up face and nigger dreadlocks.
Zoomers were a mistake.
the GOAT also checked. Trolling niggers since day 1
What race is that?
I didnt think mexico jad niggers.
>i guess you proved they do
Why do the likes/dislikes outweigh the views ?
The Eurasian negroid race of the future
Didn’t he catch 40 years in jail?
>Didn’t he catch 40 years in jail?
Trump pardoned him
like the 80% of American posters here on Zig Forums
soulless narcy goy
I respect his trolling I'll be honest
Thank. Guess I'll be jerking off tonight then.
Kek, dunno why but they look good
So Mexicans are white now.
I didn't even know he was Mexican, that only makes him more of a faggot.
he is from PR
Why the fuck are you fags obsessed with some zoomer spic?
The king of Zig Forums
Are you dum, Stoopid, or dum... huh?
Why Is his hand so pale ? Some sort of liver disease ?
he's a pedo.
if he's your boy then you are a sick fuck that needs to be killed.
Save us the effort and jump.
people disliking without watching. this spic really has niggers seething.
Who is going to listen to him now? His street cred went into the fucking gutters. There’s a video with audio of him begging for his life like a little whiny bitch and then he snitched to the feds.
uhhhh nicky minage made a slavery reference in this song........WTF