The best selling books on Amazon are anti racist ones
Zig Forums BTFO
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Oh yes goyim, those are the Amazon best sellers for sure. There’s no way Amazon artificially pushed those to the top.
We all know Amazon lies about what is best selling.
i would expect no less than retardation from a didn't disappoint.
All of the nigger books are above $10 and the covid book is basically in the dollar bin at Dollar General. Lmao.
They ban anything based and redpilled and then push shit tieir books to the top. Welcome to the free market where only ideology is allowed.
We need two separate economies.
Me on the other hand
>they took off fate of empires and alien nation
Im not even asking for straight up jared taylor material but why the fuck did they ban anything to the right of ann coulter
Die Nazi. I hate you and everything you represent.
Why should I care? I bought mein kampf like 13 years ago
I'm not a nazi, you kike. It's a part of history that you can never erase no matter how hard you try. Keep lying about the holohoax though.
Good choices, both!
I hope you bought the unabridged and uncommented version of Mein Kampf
Wow its almost like its artificial and those books are pushed to the front and the real best sellers to the back.
I bought the Ralph Manheim translated one. I was told by someone I know that it's a direct translation? I trusted him because he's a self hating kike that loves Hitler.
Trust a leaf to sneer about that crock of shite
Yeah, and trending on YT is usually Gibby Kimmel and CNN with 10,000 views on a video that week. Companies put whatever they want to look like as their face.
fuck off mossad
>spend €20 on a book that moans about you being a racist. Makes you feel guilty.
>spend €10 on a book by a leader that is capable of changing your entire life and thought process for the better.
Wait, why should anybody be caring about what normie nigger-lovers are buying again?
I mean, it's not new that many of the folk that buy these are exceptional individuals.
FYI, you can buy all of the books that amazon banned here:
Jeff Bezos is a common rich SJW bitch.
That nose...
Best selling Anti-racist book of all time is the Bible.
not many reviews for those. My computer mouse has 150k reviews....
dont worry, meinkampf is just a meme book, its really boring and has outdated info.
Yeah, apparently Bezos isn't Jewish..but I have a hard time believing that
You don't deserve to exist and its more likely that you will lose your neck in the next decades.
Antiracism is a pseudoscience moron
it takes 5 + days for anything to deliver out here
I would love to see the sales trend for this item.
keep up the good work, user. everyone here already knows that antiracism is pseudoscience. make a reddit thread about antiracism and post it here.
serious question: why buy the book and get put on whatever lists the FBI keeps, instead of just pirating a digital version? just for the Zig Forums version of virtue signalling by having it on your shelf?
I hear the author is a struggling art student who could use the cash
>tfw Amazon suggested this shit to me
>instead I ordered H.P. Lovecrafts "The Conservative"
>Trusting a kike, even a self hating one.
Vous allez perdre, connard.
I bought it because I want to read it. I don't like reading pdfs. Dumb kike.
Mine got here in 2 days after I ordered it.
I bought this awhile ago.
He's proven to be trustworthy. Reformed cocaine addict, alcoholic, and recreated Hitler's room in a game.
I bought Harassment Architecture, Bronze Age Mindset, Storm of Steel's non-cucked translation, Eumeswil, and Anarcho Fascism.
Un problème le gauchiste ?