Abraham Lincoln

What feelings go through your mind when you see this picture? Are you more inclined to agree or disagree with President Lincoln? Would America have been better off if he had not been assassinated, and lived, including through his second term?

Attached: president-abraham-lincoln-portrait-1861-photo-print-15.jpg (339x425, 60.22K)

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He was not white. He was Jewish you can tell if you look close

Just looks like an Irishman to me

He didn't want to free the slaves but did becuase he was losing the war. Majority of northerns didnt want to fight for nigger slavery but rather the land the rebels had stolen. Lincoln supported shipping them back to apefrica which would make.him.based in my book

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Shit President. His only accomplishment is beating a bunch of poor farmers that defended themselves for 4 years.

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john Wilkes booth was a sephredic jew.

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I don't care about anything but WW1 and WW2 and america fucked up there.

What are other similarities between the two, besides a rags-to-riches story?

"It is natural that I prefer my own race..."
~Abe Lincoln
He was natural, like we.

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the confederacy was supported by bankers

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he wanted to get the niggers out of america but (((john wilks booth))) stopped him

Didn't he think they'd go back after being freed?

Braindead autistic, literally the original Manchurian candidate/golem

This. The Union was losing the war and playing the morality card was the only way to garner enough support to finish off the South. None of the European nations who already were rid or took negative views of slavery wanted to be associated with that even for that valuable cotton. The irony is that many blacks would have ended up back in Africa if he wasn't assassinated.

The Emancipation Proclamation is very clear.
It only freed slaves "in states under rebel control".
There were six states at the time that were either always union, had rejoined the union or were under union control (Kentucky was always a union slave state, west Virginia split from Virginia in the middle of the war and joined the union as a slave state). All those states kept there slaves until after the war.

The Emancipation Proclamation Didn’t Free Any Slaves

So how did the Emancipation Proclamation free zero enslaved people? Lincoln applied the Emancipation Proclamation only to the Southern states in rebellion. Since those states had already seceded and war was underway, the federal government had no power or ability to enforce the provisions. In addition, the Emancipation Proclamation did not apply to enslaved people in the border states of Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, and Maryland, which practiced slavery but had not seceded. Lincoln didn’t want to propel them into joining the Confederacy and result in Washington D.C. being surrounded by Confederate states on all sides. Lincoln did not free any enslaved people where he had the power to free them.


It's pretty funny. I've observed people become Pro Confederacy the more they study the Civil War. It happened to me.

Almost every war is a """Bankers""" war. Lincoln was the original Neo-Con.

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Did the wrong things but probably would have been better off if he'd lived.


John Wilkes Booth is the greatest American to have lived in the last two centuries btw

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Remember when they tried to say lincon was half black

>(((John Wilkes Booth)))

Rothschild agent who escaped to England,

fuck up

I cant see how anyone would rank that guy as one of the greatest presidents when this country has been devastated by his actions to this day.

>Lincoln supported shipping them back to apefrica
is there any proof of this because some historian's headcanon?

> tfw the black jelly beans are your favorite

nigger lover

Both underwent a series of political setbacks before attaining the highest authority

He was a great example of how to transmute sorrow and rage into productiveness but that said he was manically racist in todays liberal logic

He should be shot in the head for his war crimes

good news

He was going to send the blacks back to Africa. Fuck John Wilkes Booth.

President Abraham Lincoln won a rigged election and ultimately liberated the black skinned servants from their chains of slavery. When I see this picture I see the face Freedom, Liberty, and the potentially bloody pursuit of happiness.