This is you

Zig Forums in a nutshell.
You guys are pathetic.

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based and breadpilled

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thats me? damn im based

this is you

Attached: you.webm (600x450, 2.99M)

Wrong I am very strong: mind, body and spirit.

Im a millionaire and you are going to have to pay back your student loans.

Steely Dan

Sleep tight, Steeler

I'm a multimillionaire.

Playing video games, masturbating, and drinking all day is an incredibly freeing existance. I say whatever I want about niggers on twitter and they can't ruin my life because I have nothing to lose.

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Not gonna lie this guy looks pretty happy right now. You can’t say that for the shrieking fat chicks with blue hair or niggers.

I don't drink alcohol.
I eat a carnivore diet lift weights and start businesses.
I'd rather be that guy than you OP.

I look more like this desu senpai

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based ed norton

im in this picture and i dont like it

dude was so chill he fell asleep, what even is wrong with this besides he isnt fucking jacked like all of us

Then ho enjoy your life, but dont pretend working class stiffs need to conform to your shallow white guilt shaped world view.

this is me

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Yeah he basically just needs to replace the booze with food and flapping with lifting.
Looks like a cool guy

eat your vegan diet

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dont forget to suck out the fishes eyeballs

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this is more accurate

Attached: when you get home.webm (720x406, 580.31K)

That image is literally the guy Anita Sarkeesian killed.

And this is why i can't take this site serious. Pic related in OP are the people telling you to do nothing. SPoiler alert, they will always do nothing.

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>we will shame you into action
I'm like this because of the shame

Damn bro. And you're being beaten by those guys. What's that say about you?

I can't lean back and sleep, slumped over now, that's a different story. That and drinking liquor is for faggots.

Whoever took this pic deserves a fucking Pulitzer

no way, OP!
we're going to kill al the niggers jews and lefties with our epic based pilled memes!
a-any time n-now.

He needs to tidy his room just a tad and install better lighting and he will be good to go

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My dad could beat up your dad

kek i've never seen this movie.
I think I will watch it.

Zig Forums users deserve death.

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