>Game about a literal tranny killing cis people comes out
>Reviewers admit it has shit gameplay
>But give it a 9/10 or 10/10 because said story about killing cis people
TLOU 2, kike overload
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imagine caring about what some literally who journalist who writes for some literally publication has to say about some literally who video game.
absolutely rent free
>W-Why do you care that paid shills are brainwashing children and ruining your favorite hobby in a effort to kill straight white people!
Neil Druckmann deserves to be bludgeoned to death with a golf club. I can't believe how massive of a faggot he would end up being. he completely ruined the legacy of TLOU. The first one was one of the greatest games i ever played and i actually admired him for being able to put a tough girl in there and make it somewhat believable, but the leaks of the 2nd one were irredeemable
It can get 10/10 l still won't buy it.
Nigger it's last of us, what the fuck do you expect?
Maybe you should stop playing video games if you get upset over corporate shilling you stupid fuck
I guess you shouldn't care about politics if jews make you angry then retard.
in the words of the AVGN
it fuckin' SUCKS!
Politics effects my daily life, a cuckold Sony game doesn't
>How does brainwashing kids effect anyone lol
I ain't buying that shit, I deff ain't pirating it either, not worth the time and investment to play something that will just piss me off.
Ghost of Tsushima will shit all over this
literal retard
Kids don't play movie games, especially not last of us
If you're so worried about kids why don't you go out and advocate rather than shit posting about fucking bought game reciews
So hyped for that game
>gaming journos actually are gamers
you seem to have forgotten the cuphead nigger
Wasn‘t the first game just a regular third person shooter with a sad story? Basically Uncharted if you‘d replace the hot chicks and zaney protagonist with angst.
Why are you on Zig Forums slide nigger?
Oh look, what was once a promising duo that now is the backbone of all garbage games
>Boring/milquetoast/shitty story
>But muuuh graphics dude at least it's not like the old
Source had some of the best skyboxes in the game, especially in HL2. That shit brought a tear to my eye let alone the story. Nowadays everything looks fucking amazing and the scenery is wonderful but the story is something a 2nd grader would create. But because it's got a tranny character killing cis people it's good. I'm sticking to Verdun, Gmod, and single players
meh. turn off the television. but they get what they deserve. this will hurt PS5 sales dramatically. fuck SONY for permitting this kikery.
So it's half a season of The Walking Dead except even gayer and stretched out with generic third person shooting? And that's worthy of GOTY awards? Kek. Go play Metro 2033 if you're not gay.
That's physically painful to watch
For politics, if I wanted bideo gaymes I would go to Zig Forums
Oh what you don't want to get banned because of Zig Forums mods? Sucks to be you man but really.
What's the point of crying about something you have zero control over?
the technological advances of video games were their own undoing.
the more it was possible to tell a movie-like story, the more desirable and necessary it became to subvert the medium, because it was hugely influential in young white men's lives.
kiss them goodbye, they've been ruined since I don't know when and are never coming back. even little indie pixel games try to push woke narratives nowadays.
It was climbing ladders the game. Garbage ass game. 1/10, would not climb again.
Do these “”””””””games””””””” serve any purpose other than to brainwash numales into trying to kill straight whites people for having self respect?
charls carrol is right about video games, they're not worth it if there's still loading screens in the current year. more focused on bullshit than actually improving the game part of the games
>greatest games i ever played
I t was a shitty resident evil clone
fucking zoomers man
>the gameplay is mediocre, the game is too long
Try to post TLOU 2 choking meme image here. Go ahead.