Operation ANTICHAZ General

Greetings, Anons.

So the situation going on right now is simple enough for most Zig Forumstards to understand. In short, a large portion of downtown Seattle has been seized by anarchocommunist insurrectionists who have declared their secession from the United States of America. These insurrectionists have destroyed American businesses, have looted a police armory left unguarded by the turncoat mayor of Seattle, and are currently holding a fourteen block diameter of Seattle under armed and barricaded guard, terrorizing American citizens and allowing ridiculous amounts of crime to take place.

Given these individuals are by any definition of the word traitors to the US, who are actively engaged in armed conflict against the American citizenry, I am officially commissioning Operation ANTICHAZ. The goal of this operation is simple: American citizens will cooperate and pool resources, experience, and materiel to effect the removal and hopeful capture of the traitors and liberation of the insurgent-controlled territory, resulting in its reintegration into the US.

Any interested anons should get in touch at [email protected]. Hopefully we can actually contribute to getting rid of these anarchocommunist traitors and ensuring they end up where they belong: in Gitmo or ADX Florence.

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You won't do anything you stupid faggot, meanwhile Seattle libs are owning you left and right

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You're either a glowie or retarded. They're gonna kill themselves in a few days. Just chill out and watch the live stream.

fuck off fed

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Whoah that's bright.
Glowing up a storm in here.


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Why would a white majority region protest BLM?

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Long live right-left unity

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>marxists creating a 6 block impending disaster in leftshit central, Washington
>w-we have to stop it Zig Forums, cmon you guys
Fuck off glownigger, or BuzzFeed, whichever you are.

>enforces borders
>keeps out immigrants
>no traitor politicians to propose replacement immigration or work visas
>has an actual wall unlike trump
>raz and his police threaten to shoot thugs and graffii artists
>broke away from liberal democracy state
>no lying traitor media
Yeah im thinking its actually based you fucking shill, im a chaz nationalist and Zig Forums is and always will be chazbol

seeing your enemy starve is way more satisfying than killing it with a bullet.
it's also better for us if "another failed revolution"
is the leading story and not "ebil nazis kill good hearted marxists". also there's a 92% chance you're chink agent or compromised cia kike

>glownigger 2 has entered the game
>seething this hard

whats the matter, faggot? your obvious 'boogaloo bois' psyop failing to gain traction?

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I thought FBI stopped trying to push us onto China and Russia?

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You're glowing, but I'm in. In fact, I was just about to start a thread very much like this in order to plan the liberation of CHAZ from these literal insurrectionists (who, by the way, are completely fair game according to the law).

nobody's stopping you.
just say that reddit inspired you

Hasn't a 'warlord' taken control of the zone?


Why do something when you can watch them destroy themselves and laugh at them the whole time

Ignore glowies. CHAZbols assemble

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Zig Forums stands with CHAZ


Relax. Let the children play. They'll eventually get bored.

Thread is evidently being raided. Not really surprising. Ignore the shilling - more people who we can get to work together on this the better.

Literally a Swiss URL, Chang, but nice try

anti Raz?

he's AWESOME. for us

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Mother anarchy cares for her sons

Seattle should wall them in. Shut off all utilities and cell towers. They wouldn't last a day. Would be hilarious to watch.

First war has to be declared lol.

fuck off faggot any cunt would think china fucking thing says ch who the fuck would think switzerland you'd think it would be .sz
Anyway continue glowing bright, this whole happening has been the best bants we've had in years sadly. Since you're in the area how about uploading some pics for us?

War's already been declared, lol. The statement they are no longer Americans in American jurisdiction showcases such. And these traitors can't be allowed to maintain control over the region in question.

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Why are they so useless? I mean im 39 but I swear isn't gardening common knowledge?

trash honeypot. the real play is to watch it unfold.
you don't take sides in a fight between neo liberal government vs radical chapo ancoms, instead just watch them slap eachother

they planted them ... IN the pots.
LARP level: Antifa

Nice try glowie

Gardening is not necessarily common knowledge in urban Seattle. People don't have a lot of space to garden... however, the few that are into gardening here are into it big, as the urban garden movement is really big here. These are teens and young 20s, not a lot of time to learn gardening.

There's no point in doing anything. They're already running out of food, just let it fall apart by itself and be and serve as an example.

Obvious larp to try and get funding for your commie failure experiment

There's a live stream?

They seem like the type of people who would assume meat comes from a supermarket

>please stop this demonstration of pure leftism
>it will show the masses our system doesn't work
>my powergrab NOOOOOOOOOOO

Cope some more, inceloids. This is the spark that will light the fire that will burn away the Fascist States of America and liberate it's oppressed peoples of color, downtrodden and beaten down by a racist system of privilege and violence.

America's rebirth starts in Seattle; just as the Founding Fathers set in motion the historical certainty of moving from feudalism to capitalism, so too will we, THE PEOPLE, set in motion the historical certainty of the move from capitalism to socialism.

Your outdated and barbaric practices of chauvinism, patriarchy, racism, discrimination and capitalist exploitation will be abolished and all the spoils you white bois have been hoarding for these centuries, built off the backs of PoCs will be returned to those you stole from.

The liberation of women, African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, LGBT+ communities and many other marginalized groups from the psychological and physical terror of White Fascist-Patriarchy is at hand.

Counterrevolutionaries get the bullet.

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feds, do you realise that telling Zig Forums to go out and do shit in general is like telling anarchists to form a government? please just quit posting and go back to huffing glue in your cagie

If I really gave a fuck I'd march in there tonight with 5 guys and take them all, its not complicated; but I dont give a fuck about some children extorting cowards.

Good morning, Agent Rosenberg. Why would I stick my neck out for a liberal shithole, while I can gleefully watch it descend into Starbucks Somalia?

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Sympathetic commies are sending truckloads of food and other supplies to them. They're not going to run out of anything unless the supply lines are blocked.


thank god i live in romania

>CHAZ is actively making the government look like bitches and paving the way for our eventual white nation secession
>oh shit guise, you've gotta go stop themm right nowwwww!!!!!!
Long Live CHAZ

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