Two questions:

Two questions:
Why are all White nationalst organisations tend to be millitant and targets for feds, instead of something like a union with exclusive racial membership? Jewish nationalists dont create millitant wings, they create organisations and funds that help other jews and dont attract feds with any weapon or violent activity.
Are there any White nationalst organisations that help its members with employment, education and legal matters? Why can't Whites help each other simply peacefully and instead only band together with the goal of harming some other which makes them targets for feds?

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Other urls found in this thread:

basically, just want to be "cool epic operaters"

Jews do everything they can to prevent Whites collectivizing. All governments, all agencies are under ZOG's control

Goy if you so much as have a faceberg page with this trash idea, you're getting banned, doxxed, your windows aren't going to last long, and it's best you don't have any pets because they're getting poisoned.


they do, its called history, society, civilization. white nationalists are a reaction to jewish mongrelizing and shenanigans

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I've seen this org Proud Boys and holy fuck they really like a caricature - all pumped up on agression and want to hit other. I have to ask - why? Why not just create a league of White helpers, teachers, bankers, workers... You dont have to be upfront about its only White policy, its easy to avoid hiring and helping Blacks. And dont put swastika on the front door, simple, dont have 90 iq zoomers who only want to shoot and boogaloo, but you will still achieve more with that than going alone or doing nothing

Stupid faggot tranny punk ass bitch mods

Good question Ivan. Why don't we just start embracing cultural heritage groups? Like the Russian heritage foundation for example. There used to be a Jew who was on JF quite a lot about setting up foundations and services for whites people like the Jews do.

Why havent you read Or are you intentionally not reading it.

You know, world doesnt exist only on social media. Some practical orgs could achieve more by existing outside of them. That organisation could father funds and bail that policeman who killed a nigger. And help others, help White people who suffered by police.

I havent seen an honest attempts recently. Who was doing it?

please listen to this podcast

Because they'll push you out of polite society until your only option is being a criminal. White interest group is literally the Third Reich to the world.

2 hours? You need to do your part and either time code or write it up.

You dont understand - you form society and you push them out. You form a group of People Who share your intrest and that group helps them, you have conacts of each other. You dont have to be an egoist survivor who stucks up on food only for yourself, in that group if someone needs food, you share it with them. If someone has social clout, he could promote you, reporting, cross promotion, sharing knowledge and skill, everyone could be doing lectures for each other. If someone has a legal problem, the group helps. The group could be specifics for one purposes, or universal.
The only rule is constructive for Whites. Not destruct ive and counterproductive. You think Them will shut you down for sharing knowledge and helping each other financially or legaly?

The alternative is to sit alone, never interact, being blackpiled endlessly until you go nuts and start doing bad optics going in stuff.

How are such organisations structured and what are their strategic directions?

Strategic? Thats your problem, you need to think tactical, fuck the goal of the decade. You need to survive now, you need to have connection now, you need to have people to talk to who share your intrests now, you could get into trouble and help will be needed now. Imagine you lose your job and you go there, and they have people who are also Whites and offer you job even though you dont have expirience but they give you a good job just because you are the member and White. With one condition - you continue to partucipate in org and help other people in need. Maybe you will have skills or connection usefull for others in the future?
But instead of the action and immidiate help, you want to talk about strategic virtual imaginary future utopia or divisive goals?

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Because it has to do with our national history of armed rebellion. I agree with you though, the way Jews do it is much more effective especially now days instead of military insurrection.

I know jews dont have strategic goals, but if you are jewish there are many orgs that act like social lifts, fraterneties and clubs of intrest. They dont have a big secret book with the goals that they want to achieve strategic ally at the end of century, no, they understand that the help to a felloe jew now is a way to achieve a big goal of jewish domination in the future. Small deeds and action of helping each other create a big picture that drivers the big goal.
But Whites dream of this illusive final solution or race war that in one big strategic step supposed to solve problems without helping each other?

Help me bumping this thread, my posts dont bump it and its drowning, lets have a discussion

I agree with what you’re saying the first step to achieveing this is waking up white America. We’re on that step now. Too many idiots here have fallen for the evil and corrupt narrative that’s been long broadcast by the mainstream media. People are waking up fast now though thanks to CHAZ.

>Why can't Whites help each other simply peacefully
That's literally illegal in the usa. They will put you in prison for it.

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It's illegal.

Dude, we're so fucked they literally dictate where to drop POC immigrants via the regions level of "Whiteness"

You can blame the jews for this.

How's that illegal?

You can get sued (with the help of jewish faggots) to heaven and back if they can prove you purposly dodge aid to POC be it hirings/finanicial aid/ect and I believe it also is followed with some form of federal charges

Just be some sort of Christian like a Mormon or something. Caucazoids are tricky that way

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The only viable method to do anything like this is to set up a finanical aid charity ect with restrictions that are skewed in such a way where statistically massively majority whites excell/path towards. Say like, Swim teams or Best Father rewards

I dont know. For example in usa they can create a lawer company with 10 employee and hire only White members of that org there. What law prevents them? They already have actual fucking militias in different states, but something less millitant, more practical, less suspicious is somehow seen as impossible for them.

And do what with them? Get politicians elected? Is that really your plan?

That 10 white members shit is BS. Women count as diverse regardless of skin color and jews are counted as white when beneficial and poc when otherwise so those (((White))) lawyers are probably jewish

The Civil Rights Act outlaws racial discrimination in hiring. If the Eqial Employment Opportunity Commission finds out you did that, they sue your business into bankruptcy.

Wait, if have 20 workers and all of them White, what law will force you to hire black person? That company could offer services on specifics VIP cards that they will give only White people. But for non White people they could provide shitty services. I never understood bakeries that refused to sell cakes for gays, just make a cake that will smell like shit with something not suspicious,or just botch it. Do it repeatedly, make a cake and pretend that you are falling and throw it in the faggots face. Not once, but multiple times.

Well, we've been socialized so badly the only solution Americans see is using force and organizing under a "Banner" or ideology. Problem is ideologies come and go, and a banner can be subverted.
If you organize as an implicit white/whatever organization where it's just people networking their knowledge, experience, and resources than to me that works much better and is more impervious to infiltration.
It's not rallying under a political ideology, just organizing like-minded people who're similar in race/ethnicity and interests.

Help other White people. If you dont have compas soon for a fellow White person and only seek your intrest, then get the fuck out. Even jews would stop being greedy and help other jews, but for you its only to get a politicians who will be helping you from top down? You need to do some down to top and horizontal activity

Yeah I would just shit in that cake and laugh for several days.
Never piss off those you make you something to eat.

We always feel a need to label an organized action under a specific "movement", but this is flawed from the start. Especially with our history of armed revolution people who're typically right-wing mentally associate sociopolitical organization with: "Libertarianism", "Alt-Right", "An-Cap", "1776", "3%", and "Conservatism".