How exactly is this not considered treason? Statues and flags of rebels who went to war with the United States are ok?

How exactly is this not considered treason? Statues and flags of rebels who went to war with the United States are ok?

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Same logic burning the flag is legal.

America was founded by rich landowners who rebelled against the British crown, and most of the Southern states joined in the revolution because the British threatened to free their slaves and turn them into shock troops.

It used to be an attempt to honor men who followed their deepest ideals and sacrificed their lives and fortunes when their state called on them.

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The civil war has never been a topic of interest for me but I assume it was done for the same reasons Japan was allowed to keep their emperor and other remembrance after WW2.

They were part of the USA, you fagtard.

The Federalist papers said a revolution would happen every few generations or so to either revise the constitution to better it or to completely destroy America's freedom. Well the Constitution of the CSA actually was better, and the yanks wouldn't have even needed to change their society if they didn't want to. So really it was very polite of the south to chose secession over revolution. The union was the one that pressed them into war.

The US was like the EU. Would it be treason if your country wanted out of the union?

Because it's a free country and we have 50 individual states

It was a part of a peace deal. It was a civil war and all involved were Americans. Allowing the Southerners to honor their dead was supposed to make them more amicable to Washington govt as the future was uncertain and an insurgency or another war was not off the table. Lincoln wanted tge Southerners reintegrated into America so he cut them some slack

The fact that this rebellion is tearing down confederate statues is only evidence of how fake it all is. The confederates or southern identitarians have no power, its beating a dead horse with funding from all corporations and banks. Fight the powah lol

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And note that while really it's a war of secession it's called a Civil War in most history books because the north never officially accepted that the south was it's own country. A civil war can only be fought within a country over a single government, like a revolution, it can't be fought by a group that wants to leave the country.

THEY ARE LITERALLY OPPOSED TO THE VALUES THE UNITED STATES WAS FOUNDED IT. Confederates literally believe "some animals are more equal"

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So if it wasn't for the rich, USA would never be so carefree of troubles like it is?

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The South is the real America. The North was a cesspool of micks, WOP’s and asiatic slavs fucking each other controlled by mister Shekelbaum-Rosengoy

The South was pure Germanic/Anglo with a rich European culture.

The real puppet North went to war with the America and then called the real america treacherous whilst continuing their degenerate culture.

The CSA was America the USA was murica.

>How exactly is this not considered treason?
It's history
A subject you obviously failed at

The USA was founded on the values of XVIII cent english bourgeoise (masonic variant). They were not egalitarians, only white men could vote, only whites could be citizens, they were ok with slavery or eliminating indians etc. The US in its current form is entirely against what the founders stood for, I wont even mention the multi million global imperial standing army or soviet tier survaillence state

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Apparently it's OK to tear down the statues and banners of losers. Since MLK died and racism wasn't solved, it is justifiable to bring down his statues. Same with any native american monuments.

They fought against a tyrannical federal government. They were the last Americans that truly embodied the American spirit.

it wasn't until the kkk knocked down reconstruction. looks like reconstruction is the flavour of the day again though. but yankeedom is also falling quickly. probably this continent ends up back where the black haired mongoloids took the continent from the white solutreans thousands of years ago, plunging the people into starvation and stone or bronze age technologies

but that hasn't happened yet; i may be wrong

>secede using the constitution as justification
>get annexed after the war, throwing the constitution out the window
the document has not been respected since before the war

Those signs took 15 seconds to make, and 3 seconds to drop in the trash after the photo opportunity ended.

Southerners love to LARP.

>It used to be an attempt to honor men who followed their deepest ideals and sacrificed their lives and fortunes when their state called on them.
Absolutely this.

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The US aka the North went to war with the South. The South did not invade the North or go to war with them. The North Invaded the South by blockading their ports, refusing to abandon Fort Sumter which was now a CSA fort in South, and then invading Virginia, the amount of people clueless on the "Civil war" blows my mind. I'm not even from the south, I'm from chicago but I understand what took place.

yeah, to maintain to civility with your former adversary, who in the case of the civil war, was your own brothers. It was needed to mend sides after the war.

They were pardoned

Too bad none of the founding documentation talks about that. I am sure you got theories on how ancient aliens made the pyramids too.

You should hear about the mexican flag

the thing that other countrymen do not understand is that southern whites hate the government and never surrendered
the south will rise again isn't a joke, it is something many people truly believe in their hearts
I will not fly the USA flag because it is the Yankee battle flag
t.GGGgranddad lost an eye at the battle of Gettysburg

no they didn't..the farm equipment weren't even considered animals at all

Literally this
1st amendment issue tbqh, especially since the Confederates were citizens before and after seceding

Same way that we can have statues of Oliver Cromwell or Georgia can have statues of Stalin. If we only commemorate the "right" side of history we aren't any better than the lefty twats who seek to pervert and rewrite it at every turn.

yankee scum wish they were southerners
city dwelling scum

Because the state isn't the nation. The Confederates were Americans fighting for what they considered to be true American ideals.


they were also heroic. they absolutely deserve to be honored in memory. fate alone determines if you win or lose but glory is for the men that fight the way they did.

they were invaded you dumb fuck
and forced and drafted to fight

and now you shit on them

guess i can shit on slaves then for causing this divide, it's really the blacks man's fault for allowing himself to be a slave in the first place

you fucking dumb nigger it's clearly your fault

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So when the US was founded, the 3/5 compromise wasn't included and slavery wasn't considered legal? Got a source for any of that?