I hate """"Great"""" Br*tain so god damn much

I hate """"Great"""" Br*tain so god damn much.

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>gotta go fast

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She looks like she licks the carpet if you know what I’m saying.


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They gave up their empire and let their foreign subjects conquer them. That's pretty cool.

My anger know no bounds and could fuel an entire country.

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Jesus Christ what the hell is that thing?

Wtf are they even doing? Taking a selfie?

Captain Cornholio I think

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whys that dude got a chicks name?

>That thing is a police

Welp, the west is fucked.

China and Russia will have an easy battle ahead

Looks like the Wealdstone Raider in the early 2000s lmao

It is called great not because of hubris but because the mainland is the largest island in the British Isles.
Being neutral isn't great.

Hate the UK, love British Isles.

Blood and Soil, lad.

>being neutral isn't great
Say that to my Izmash Saiga MK103.

That troll hasn't been on tv since that day.
The original thread was hilarious.

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Checked, fuck britain

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White british people are pathetic

crashed my browser

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How can one look in the mirror or see pictures of themself looking like that and be okay with it? I see this shit here and - I mean - there’s no fucking way a person who puts effort into looking like that doesn’t have clinically diagnosable mental illness or four.

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I'll say it to your wife's boyfriend

Party on Garth

On twitter she said no one had remarked about it before she appeared on TV lol She's been walking around unaware everyone's laughing at her for years.

I didnt know vegeta wore glasses.

>I'll say it to your wife's boyfriend

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hahahahaha holy fuck yes. that made my morning better.

strange, I thought anglos were the most attractive in europe

wtf were you smoking

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I thought Static-X died?

Damn women is fucking retarded

it kind of looks like they were popped out of the same mold and then just had different accessories attached to them

I could legitimately beat her with one hand tied behind my back and she had a baton.

The upper class Anglos are, yes.