

It’s time to get Zig Forums for the racewar and I’ve wrote the perfect routine to get us all fighting fit but you need to be dedicated to the routine and saving our country

This is all body weight because real men can fight without equipment
Arms day
3 sets of 5 push ups
Be sure to have 2 min rest between sets to not burn out
2 sets of 5 squats
Make sure to go deep

Rest, you earned it

3 sets of 5 sit ups
If you’re advanced maybe switch to crunches

Rest, you should be in church anyway

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I don't think you understand how bad things are in the UK. Operation Blackpill was not only right, but was an understatement. The ghouls are already fully unleashed and both legal and illegal invasions have gone into overdrive already.

Over the next 5 years In the UK at least the realization that it's over will begin to cripple the indigenous population and I imagine the "fast collapse" phase after the "slow decline" will begin as the reality of the Office of National Statistics demographic data begins to filter down to the masses post 2021 as they realize the native collapse at 1-2% per YEAR.

For example by 2030 ~50% of all newborns, 45% of school children , 30% of the electorate and 162 seats in parliament will be invaders.

I imagine this will be the final decline phase and as the "tipping point" is hit in the 2030s "they" will fully unleash the brown hordes starting with brown "points based migration" and "climate refugees" punching into the last indigenous enclaves in the nation.

Within 7 years the majority of the youth and newborn will be invaders in the UK and most of the political class street shitters and ghouls. We're like the few remaining latins whittering on about the "glory of Rome" and post old banners of republican legions in our backwater forums meanwhile all manner of disgusting barbarians overuns every single major civic space in the empire because "it's the cvrrent year, 476 ad!". In the coming decade a million ghouls per year will be storming the borders. There will be no Brazil. It will just be straight to Haiti. Afrocommunist Ghouls macheting natives in the streets.

10 million Lee Rigbys 10 million Charlene Downes.

If you want a vision of the future, imagine the machete weilding Bantu ghoul twerking on the ashes of civilisation, forever.

Google; Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. It's happening now as our monuments are torn down and institutions are Africanized

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>3 sets of 5 push ups
Pal, have you any idea how easy a push up is?
3 sets of 5 with 2 minutes rest?
Same critique for everything else.
Is this a revolutionary workout routine for geriatrics?

We're in here:

This whole situation could have been avoided by not locking down the country. Boris and hist govt should unironically be tried for treason; they created the biggest economic recession in the history of this country, shattered human rights, oppressed free speech and destroyed this country's future.

Why do you think all these leftists have so much time to chimp out? Because there is nothing else to do since everything is shut down. Of course those retarded liberal college students will go out to kneel in front of blacks, since their local starbucks has been closed for 11 weeks.

Been saying it since the beginning, the lockdown is the most disastrous event that has happened world-wide, its economic and social impact will be felt for centuries; now the goverments know that the population, once given a scary enough boogieman (which can be artificially fabricated easily) will BEG you to take away their rights.

But it's all fine; after all, this was just a long govt-funded vacation like my retarded friends kept saying, nothing will come wrong out of it, right ? ;)

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Migrate over lads
Same rules apply
Newest thread gets it

every time...

the bull must fear the bear

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>white people bad
>let me go to the oppressors homeland so i can be oppressed (or rather abuse their superior sense of empathy and just pretend to be)


What kind of excercise is that? I do 100 push ups, 50 stomach crunch, 50 pull ups, and 3k run everyday.


every time...

instead of your exercise for autists, get a proper coach or follow pic related book

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Would this micro workout actually do anything? I feel like shit but this is something I could manage.

Why is your food so fucking cheap
American supermarkets are nowhere near as forgiving

I'm 37 and I can bang out 3 sets of 50 press ups with my 6 six year old son sat on my back. But then again I was serving in the Paras at 18 so I'm still built like a Greek God bruv.


How long would it take to get to that standard?

>back to 2003 levels when we didn't have a 20 million excess of niggers
ruh roh

LMFAO at this shite "routine"

Only managed two set of 2 push ups today lads. How can I improve?

Agreed. Coronavirus is the biggest media hoax since Y2K. They took a completely arbitrary and minor issue and blew it up until it created mass panic. I feel like the only difference is that in their complete ignorance, they're going to act like it was still a massive thing far after the fact. They took the L on Y2K, they're going to refuse to ever take the L on Coronavirus.

Aim for the old British Army PFT (before it went gender neutral...) standards.
It's a good benchmark and takes age into consideration.

The typical libtard does at least double what OP is proposing, so this has to be a joke, either that, or you guys are seriously beta

Surely this is fucking trolling

>Pretending you could do 5 sets of 5 push ups on Zig Forums

Fucking sad. I did 4 sets of 4 today. Gonna aim for 5 sets of 3 next week.

don't forget, masks on public transport are mandatory here from monday..

Good workouts here, just need to ignore his irritating accent.