Explain Burgers!

Why are Americans vehemently against Latin American immigration?

They're 90% Christians, and some of the hardest working people I've seen.

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Sure looks like a hardworking Christian to me...

Dont forget the drug cartels too

Latin is in Italy. Fuck off.

They like to sell meth to them kids and shoot people too among other things.

well yeah everyone looks hardworking compared to a fucking somali, OP

Not wanting illegal spics to flood your country with drugs and dirty prostitutes, hmm really makes you think

Wow, a bunch of nation filled with Christcuck mongrels and whores, should not be critized by us. Gotch ya.

what is the name of a non-white country that must receive immigration ?

Imagine being this retarded.
Drug cartels are to Latinos, what Terrorists are to Muslims...representative only of a very small percentage of the entire population.

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thats a dude

We finally meet the creator of the 3000 tranny threads on /gif/.

Imagine being such a spiritually destitute nation that you need immigrants to come in just to have a significant religious community.

user it has always been an aussie.

>muh culture
>just let us brown up the country because dey christianz
Ok ped(r)o on proxy

>that chica
I would merry her so hard.

>He fell for the MIDF memes

Based. Religion is being targeted in every part of society in the USA. Sad to see.

what is the name of a non-white country that must receive immigration ?

You must be new here. The unwritten rule of the chin is that unless otherwise specified, it's a tranny or a trap.


B-b-b-but.... muh 'murican exceptionalism!!!!!!

You mean the drug cartels that exist thanks to US money and guns?

They're given hiring priority and displace white Americans. What's the point of having "muh good immigrants" if white Americans can't get jobs or get elected? Let me tell you: there is no point.

Wrong. Google Pew research Muslim poll

i love latin folx.

its those got damn slavics moving to the usa i hate.

>Why are Americans vehemently against Latin American immigration?
>They're 90% Christians
The only reason why they are against hispanics is because fox news and CNN spout the word illegal immigration everyday. The reason why USA has a problem with it is they do not get money from the greencard taxes, which is 1500$. The test for a US citizen application is 725$ with bio-metrics and everything. 1,000,000x1500=1.5 billion. It's all about money. Christians wouldn't give a fuck about immigration if it wasn't illegal, because they are cucks, christcucks which is a fitting term.

They should go to Africa then

They're Catholic and speak a romance language, 2 strikes for any Anglo.

Not white.

I'm fine with the upper-caste white ones coming here but that's about it. Those fucking ooga booga aztec motherfuckers need to get the fuck out.

And how would you, a Pole, know this? Unless you’re a LARP shit

>the brazilian op always postz fine asses

gud boi

Nice b8

problem is the aztec ones are fleeing from the upper caste who continually fail at running a 1st world country next to one of the richest on the planet.

Nah, you guys need the cultural enrichment, and diversity.
The Irish weren't considered white for a long time in America either, give it a generation or two, and they'll be thought of as white.

>They're 90% Christians

How do you know that? Go ahead, try to explain. My guess is some bullshit about 90% CLAIM to be Christian. Bunch of fucking LARPers. Are Latinos known for their kindness? Absolutely not. White people are. That's the definitive proof that one race actually accepted Christianity and the other didn't. I hate brown people.

>The Irish weren't considered white

Not fucking over the law abiding SPICS that had to wait years in line in their homeland proving their worth and getting cut in line for citizenship by some tattooed MS13 thug that helped a smuggler bring in a kilo of meth while raping a 10 year old girl.

They don't work hard. They're all on gibs. They're obese, dark, ugly, and lazy.
They drink and drive, don't have insurance, hit people all the time, and face zero consequences for doing so.
They drive down wages of the American worker by flooding the market with labor, some of which is below minimum wage, so Americans can't compete if they wanted to.
They have 10 kids each to obtain even more gibs, and their 10 offspring get free breakfast, lunch, and dinner at school, in addition to all the other freebies, including attending school for free.
Lastly, they vote Democrat 3 to 1 to obtain even more gibs. They're basically less violent niggers who work some under the table.

fuck off, fuck off with your shitty coomer posts

Their abortion rates are sky high for "Christians", and yet they still manage to breed like rabbits.

the problem is middle class americans are too stupid to keep them out

>Nah, you guys need the cultural enrichment, and diversity.
Well they can go to Somalia. It would be a better upgrade for you.
>The Irish weren't considered white for a long time in America either, give it a generation or two, and they'll be thought of as white.

>compares a full blooded indo European with a mongrels less than 50% European ancestry on average.

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They’re double digit IQ monkeys. They’re all socialist rats expecting gibs and twisting American culture. You provide no other argument than cooming.

Not actually these reasons, but just because of people like this.

Catholics aren't christian.

Also, fuck jewgle captcha