Antifa and BLM have taken over a small area in Seattle and are announcing it as the "Capital Hill Autonomous Zone" -aka CHAZ. There are solid barricades on the road with "you are now leaving the USA signs" and the nearby buildings have been claimed as property of CHAZ.
As well a black rapper, Raz Simone, has asserted power in the zone. He is willing to use violence and has an armed posse with him at all times. He was called a Warlord by Fox News earlier today.
As you may expect this will be quite the show. So please anons, kick back, relax, and enjoy the show :-)
Total nothingburger. Just a bunch of unemployed college dropouts playing baby's first commune. They'll get bored in like a week and go back to smoking weed in mom's basement.
RAZ STILL LIVE com/razsimone/videos/2617201088496543/
William Myers
>stop don't touch me here no no square Fair enough, I'll concede that shit was farther left than surrendering a major city to woke anarchists.
Aiden Lee
Carson Smith
Somebody post steam links to the fire... im making popcorn and cant be assed to google
Hunter Gutierrez
Sebastian Perry
Based and raz-pilled, he is a genius leader. First establishes dominance by violence, then claims he isn't trying to be a leader but everyone knows they have to be on their best behaviour or he will beat the shit out of them. 250 IQ.
Sebastian Parker
Of course he fuckin does. Long ago, he was friends with the Bush family. Who are the Clintons of the right. He is the biggest fucking grifter of them all, if you supported him in any way, you were a part of an op and may as well be a glownigger
Elijah Nguyen
Even chris chan wasn't as much of a failure as these idiots. At least cwcville has functioning zap bud fields
mossad agent that they are going to leave behind in the wreckage
Jeremiah Morales
He has a really intuitive sense of how to manipulate and control people. I'm honestly amazed and impressed at the same time. He continuously receives these types who wonder what he's actually up to and why the rumor mill is making these allegations against him, and he skillfully outmaneuvers their doubts and pretends it's all just hearsay and shills. As if there isn't literal footage of him acting out and being abusive. They're so demoralized they just ignore the evidence and believe him blindly. He's becoming deified.
Brandon Hughes
Can someone give me a rundown of bad things Raz has done since this whole thing started?