Wtf is happening Biden bros?

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You ain't hispanic

Trump protects hispanic businesses by preventing the influx of even more cheap labor to the country, undercutting their markets.

Biden is doing better than Hillary among white voters

Meat replacement people are not white.

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Whites are the only group with high voter turnout dumbass

And Hispanics see blacks throwing a tantrum and know the dems would listen to them more.

They can smell a Puto from 50 yards out

He's a lefty

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Mexicans love BWC

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They can't forgive the deportations and the tough talk on borders

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Hispanics dare tell pollsters the truth about who they support.
It’s all just organised crime, all politics is about organised crime legally grafting our money, above the law.

>Media: Trump is losing for sure. Record-breaking disapproval and Biden is polling double digits higher than Trump.
>Also Media: Trump has 40% approval among likely voter blacks, has been consistently getting unprecedented amounts of votes in all his uncontested primaries, and Biden is polling poorly with Hispanics (who, if you recall, Trump is 'literally' throwing in 'concentration camps'... oh and Trump will be dragged out by the military when he refuses to accept defeat!
Can't wait until November ends in a huge Trump landslide win and all leftists reel back in pain when they realize they are alone.

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hispanics hate niggers and are the only reason the Republicans win in Texas and Florida

>Among Hispanic voters
Who cares about them? It's the nigger vote that counts!


This. Hispanics have plenty of infighting amongst themselves, they all hate each other, but one thing they are absolutely united in is hating niggers. In fact the Hispanics that catch the most shit from other Hispanics are the darker skinned ones that look like niggers, because they look like niggers. But even those Hispanics hate niggers.
Cubans are in my experience the most based Hispanics, they hate leftists, liberals, communists, really anything that remotely reminds them of Fidel, and they will not hesitate to lump niggers in with that grouping.

After all the pandering to blacks and sniffing it seems biden forgot about the mexicans

I’m a construction Forman and all my Cuban and Venezuelan guys love trump. And they hate my Puerto Rican translators.

Bernie was popular among Hispanics

But niggers hated Bernie.
Live by identity politics, die by identity politics.

That is certainly the narrative the media pushed since they want people focused on race rather than class.

Plot twist
Whites and Latinos join forces

Best answer ITT. Nonwhites care about their themselves first and foremost and spics know Dems side with the niggers looting their businesses

Bean counters on suicide watch

Hispanics don't want to mess with someone who is in with THE Cornpop. They may be crazy but they aren't stupid

He's doing a lot better than Hillary among whites though. And whites are the ones that actually go out and vote

According to what polls? Don't site CNN. No point in listening to an organization who sites themselves as a source.

They were starting to figure out how much of a satanic cunt Clinton was right before the election, that stigma probably carries over to establishment Biden to some degree. Also niggers started playing knockout game in Mexican neighborhoods a few months ago and got the cholos all riled up, then the riots, and Trump genuinely doing a decent job sans media spin. I highly doubt we'll actually see any meaningful swing in voting behavior though.
There's also a block of black people going super hard for Trump, pleading with people to do listening to the Democrat narrative, but this "40% approval" I keep seeing floating around is probably horse shit

All young socialist whites get burned out on Election Day and don’t do shit.

Spics hate all this nigger pandering. If Trump is still doing poorly, then the only logical conclusion is that whites are abandoning him

Cause he only mentions blacks.

All my life all people do is put blacks first above latinos.

He literally shat himself on livestream. Why did they pick him lmao.