There are some here who actually believe "we're winning by not doing anything, they're burning their own cities and people are getting 'redpilled' on their tactics". Of course you can't win by not doing anything, BLM/Antifag are coordinated by world class zionist political and social analysts, if they fail they do because they're set to fail. It's basic strategy, control both sides and whichever one wins you win. Their guy Trump is set to win and establish a totalitarian corporatist regime, they obviously don't want BLM/Antifag's anarcho-communism, secessionism, reparations, dismantling of police, and whatever else they're pushing. How's it going to play out, Trump's enemies will be blamed for the second wave, which will be much more serious, killing millions of people, he'll assume total control and you'll have total surveillance and censorship, cashless society (along with the confiscation of precious metals), RFID implants, and who knows what else they have in store. It happened before with the Spanish flu, first wave was comparable with the average flu, while the subsequent second wave killed tens of millions. >The first wave of the flu lasted from spring-summer 1918 and was relatively mild.[24] Mortality rates were not appreciably above normal;[25] in the United States ~75,000 flu-related deaths were reported in the first six months of 1918, compared to ~63,000 deaths during the same time period in 1915 >The second wave of the 1918 pandemic was much more deadly than the first. The first wave had resembled typical flu epidemics; those most at risk were the sick and elderly, while younger, healthier people recovered easily. By August, when the second wave began in France, Sierra Leone, and the United States,[28] the virus had mutated to a much more deadly form. October 1918 was the month with the highest fatality rate of the whole pandemic.[29]
That's a good thing though. Too many people on this planet
Jason Robinson
that was your best?
Jonathan Morales
>There are some here who actually believe "we're winning by not doing anything, I refuse to believe any actual human being is this retarded
Brayden Ortiz
The posts I've seen stating just that... I mean it's in contrast to glowniggers instigating violence, that's obviously wrong, but it should be clear to everyone something seriously wrong is happening and something needs to be done.
Austin Morgan
Eli Flores
>The posts I've seen stating just that... I assume those are agents and shills
>I mean it's in contrast to glowniggers instigating violence lol if something good happens it will have to happen through violence, a lot of it
Luis Diaz
Grayson Taylor
We can't do shit until people that vote Democrat but aren't super political start to support it. Or else we'll get made out to look like we're assaulting niggers, trannies, and fags. We have to find a way to drive up some infighting. Make antifa and blm turn on each other or something.
Jayden Phillips
Elijah White
Besides the incoming economic crisis >The world is about to have a massive famine, China hasn’t been able to grow wheat or rice, Spain and Italy having issues growing crops, Vietnam locked down rice exports, East African and Middle East ravaged by trillions of locust, multiple food processing plants worldwide having production issues due to China virus. Weather has been crazy this year, yesterday it was raining with ice stones. HAARP's doing?
Who fucking cares? Why do you faggots keep posting shit like this? No one's gonna do anything and whatever happens happens. You're just trying to invite a sperg to shoot up a synagogue. This isn't unique to America, every white country is fucked. Fuck you, retard faggot. Europeans don't do shit ethier, none of you say what to do, just "go do something". You're unbelievably tiresome, gyspy kike
Fuck you shill ass niggers, this is at the top of my board when I have it sorted by reply count even though it only has 12 replies so either the tranny mods stickeyd this or your glowniggers.
Nobody can do anything, except one off mass shootings. This is true in your country too, the Jews run it and YOU aren't doing anything either
>Fuck you shill ass niggers, this is at the top of my board when I have it sorted by reply count even though it only has 12 replies so either the tranny mods stickeyd this or your glowniggers. are you sure you didn't pin it nigga? >Nobody can do anything, except one off mass shootings. This is true in your country too, the Jews run it and YOU aren't doing anything either I'll do what I can, if posting threads is all I can do atm that's what I'm going to do, maybe someone wiser will find a solution.
>we Yes. We're winning by not doing anything. Democrats are burning their own cities and their Mayors are letting it happen.
Carson Collins
Just so everyone is informed, the posts were discouraging responding to leftists burning down their own cities and making everyone hate them more.
Weird how the OP didn’t include that.
Carson Allen
Cooper Myers
They already are. Niggers are telling White antifa fags to leave capital hill
Justin Richardson
any chance of that getting widespread though?
Jace Morris
Robert Perry
Meanwhile.... Tu sugi pulă de țigan zilnic
Christian Allen
That’s because OP is a fucking gypsy faggot, most likely a Bozgor
Christopher Thomas
Fuck off with your Bovine19 bullshit. You’re trying to normalize this shit due to the limits imposed on you gypsies
Xavier Nguyen
>”There are some here who believe >believes in the Bovine19 bullshit and complied with all restrictions imposed on his worthless Bozgor ass Fucking retard
The only thing people should be doing OP, is turning to God. Nothing else will work. Don't bother trying to fight back, Jews have hacks and get power from demons and spirits. You can't fight against that using human flesh.