What's his endgame ?
What's his endgame ?
Shekels and the thinly veiled since that he rules the world.
Dude's definitely gonna fry in Hell for all eternity
World peace & jewstice
All white people mongrelized and Jewish dominion over the globe.
Hopefully dying soon. What a faggot.
Distract, divide & conquer
weird how this dude funds antifa, loaned jared kushner 500 million dollars, and did business with the wuhan lab. whats up with that? whats "the deal" with creating all this helter skelter?
Impressing his CCP asset wife and appeasing his Chinese overlords. Virtue signalling to his pal Billy Gates.
Take a look at Open Societys hypnotizing logo
A world inured to global banking, filled with division and low IQ faggots too busy arguing over who is blacker or gayer or more liberal to notice that they are slaves.
That comic is really good.
gather all the refugee black females for himself and create the light brown skinned race that will populate europe. joe biden can come too
All the big black titties he can suck
Death because he's an 89 year old piece of shit
Being rich isn't enough. Riches are meaningless if everyone has enough to be satisfied and happy. What is the point of being a member of the elite if this doesn't actually give satisfaction beyond that which you could have achieved with lesser amounts of wealth?
This is why the middle class must be destroyed, division between the upper class elites and those under them must be widened. There must be a birth of neo-feudalism or else the wealth and power gathered does not matter.
When wealth and power no longer satisfy you and nothing brings you joy some men will turn bitter and seek to destroy the joy and happiness of others.
The ruling class has always done this they'd rather reduce the wealth and hapiness of every one if it meant they'd had relatively/proportionally more
i want those niggresses
Soros is a servant of Satan. No exaggerations.
His son has said that George wants to promote globalism and society where all races are accepted and welcome because that’s the only way that Jews would be accepted and welcomed, something to that affect im paraphrasing. He is allied with the Chinese CCP so he wants America to fail or at least lose its position as the worlds superpower in favor of China, which would probably involve the usd losing its status as the worlds reserve currency and imploding our economy. Both economies are collapsing houses of cards at this point and it’s a race against time for them to exert their influence over the other before the facade falls away and the lesser powers of the world see through the sham
But China isn't accepting of foreigners.
They're a state capitalist country with right-wing social policies.
They hate negroes and jews inside the country.
Soros has to be an imbecile to believe that China's going to build a world of his globohomo dreams.
Globohomo ideology and the whole concept of social justice are entirely Western concepts.
Chinks couldn't care less about this insane self-loathing shit.
>What's his endgame ?
6000 year holy war on the Northern tribes of Israel
I don know.
A prison planet full of subservient mutts ruled by a self proclaimed caste of "chosen" people.
Is it difficult to find someone that can make decent conservative photoshop art, or are righty-cucks this creatively bankrupt?
based pit edits
>What could it be?
He has a son.
Steal as much as he can. But their greed is always their undoing.
Making us love nigger girls
is the brimstone symbol from binding of isaac evil?
To do what he has always done, make money off the destruction of nations currency.
He is aiming to destroy the dollar this time.
It's always about money with kikes. Nothing more.
Covid likely leaked from fort Detrick and Wuhan at the same time to force US and China to fight each other.
That's how wars starts, and how economies dies and how he make his money
This is why Biden is losing.
if nog women were that hot maybe the nog men wouldn't be so mad
nationless, Godless, international feudalism
No idea, even Jews hate him.
>tfw no fuzzy haired, mocha coloured, petite gf