Norway opens up travel to green parts of map

Norway opens up travel to green parts of map

Attached: 3937ecdc-e5a5-4a3e-aea0-496631d26955.png (800x820, 233.94K)

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Based. We did the same thing yesterday.

Attached: 1505447_696592330362810_1225823738_n.jpg (480x720, 33.19K)

>not opening your borders to arab nations

Good call.

Attached: Sweden 2020.webm (600x400, 1.28M)

based! Fuck sw*des

Obligatory post of this image.

Attached: sweden.jpg (932x1024, 181.14K)

lmao, i have been out sunbathing, gymming powerboating and drinking beer. could not give less of a shit about cowdick-19.


Hey Eesti are we open? I don't live in Homo city but still would be nice.

Attached: donezo_phossu.jpg (502x419, 26.92K)

Yup, even during corona restrictions we're still taking in niggers at almost the same pace

But have you gone homoclubbing now have you?

Why are svedes such a huge cucks, their ancestrs were the nordman vikings, everyone feared them that time

have you noticed, theres not as many arabs as niggers suddenly?

Imagine living in a third-world shithole like Sweden

Attached: swedish_police.jpg (1280x720, 211.79K)

projection, pekka.

Espoo :DD

Yeah, we already took everyone from MENA, now it's on to the sub saharans

No pakis is that even real

Without Sweeden Norway is just a floppy penis

Are u okay Sven? Is everything alright? What happened buddy?

Yeah tough guy? I dare you to do that in my country and not in the southern states.

Sweden got their quaranteen after all :D

Attached: finland nordenexplained.jpg (1129x1200, 361.31K)

thats not sunbathing, thats being grilled by sun not meant for european skin.

Hahaha vitte perkele :DDDD

yes, all those decades of rape by brown ppl was just a smokescreen

lysglimt speaks fluent swedish and is a friend of emperor kasselstrand.

nice dnc try kike

more niggers, duh

Exactly, literally only mutts and brown people can tolerate it. I curse my family for coming here.

HAHAHA sunbathing.
I bet you don't even have a proper tan

ahahahahaha svedefaggots got roasted again ahahahahaha. based scandis shitting on the brownies again ahahahaha

I always thought your neck of the woods looks like a cock or cock and balls but have trouble fully visualising it

based northern brothers

Mutilated cock and balls that have been through cock and ball torture on top of the mutilation.
Cock and ball torture is a very patrician past time.

Sweden handled Corona like a boss. The others are just mad that Sweden didn't lock down.

Pic is Finland.

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