Partially thanks to our boy Jeremy:
Dollar Shave Club is getting Gilletted by its white customer base lol
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Get woke go broke, haha
Who straight razor gang here
the funny part is that black people can't shave. they have to use different products because of how tight their hair is.
I've been telling you guys that Dollar Shave Club was a ripoff anyway. Safety razor or bust
>the funny part is that black people can't shave. they have to use different products because of how tight their hair is.
It's obvious only white people buy their blades, since blacks have curly and coarse hair. Why can't these companies just keep their mouth shut? Are they retarded?
I heard this too right after the Gillette horse shit so I just bought a safety razor. I'm not a woman, I don't need razors blades mailed to me like a princess.
How embarrassing.
I want to joke about it, but I cant find one.
>condemn all forms of racist thought
>even unconscious
Literal thought crime conviction
>down 0.32%
its literally nothing
If you buy hardware through a subscripption-based service you're cucked beyond repair already anyway.
Im still with Bic, my skin is too thin to use straight razors
No one should have bought from the shave-jew anyway.
Just get a safety razor or Schick
I agree they're fucking retards, but can we not pretend that image isn't misleading as fuck like they're about to go bankrupt?
That's only the beginning. Gillette lost 8 billion in the end as you might remember.
Already using dorco blades myself, but ill tell my dad to unsub from dsv.
But but it was colored red
They will definitely lose a lot of money
Straight razors are gentler than disposable or cartridge dude. It's not that hard to use.
Sorry *safety razors
>not buying safety razors
Anons, you can get the handles for like 5 bucks and a hundred blades for like 4 dollars. Just stop this madness.
>he trusted a business to represent his political views
You got what was coming.
>we condemn all forms of racist thought and action from the deliberate to the unconscious
that got a big smile out of me. not only are they doing this in an attempt to boost sales but by doing this they grant more legitimacy to the "all whites are evil" movement. evil and selfish
Not really, this isn't going to stop, for their business model to continue they need a certain amount of new subscribers to keep going. They've killed off alot of that, and this is going to spread through social media and word of mouth. If the trend in that chart continues, they're definitely going bankrupt.
I spent about 20 dollars on a handle and a bunch of blades a year ago. I'm just now running out of blades. The shave is just as good as the top blades out there.
>we are horrified and enraged at this narrative we have accepted, uncritically, which is not borne out at all by the data which has been gathered and studied to analyze exactly this question, is there "systemic racism" that is causing police to treat blacks unfairly?
None of these woke mob marxists ever post stats.
not even that.
Its literal possible thought crime conviction, you can be convicted of thoughts you havent even committed .
You don’t even need a PhD in statistics to understand that this is all fake.
Blacks aren’t being targeted by police. Criminals are
White people are bad
>our buy
Go back from whence you came newfagimus maximus.
I got some bamboo handle on amazon for like 10 bucks 5 years ago along with a variety pack of like 50 blades and thats lasted me just fine. Unless you are shaving your head or have a jew beard the blades last forever. Only retards buy disposable razors and blades.
>Go back from whence you came newfagimus maximus.
1 kg of beef is ~9 dollars here. What's the price in Leafland?