He’s fully blackpilled now. Is there any hope?

He’s fully blackpilled now. Is there any hope?


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Why doesn’t he just take off the beanie

There never was, user. There never was.

He's been a doomer for a while now.

Check this out. When I lived on the South Side of Chicago I was a bag handler at O'Hare - I asked some skater friends of mine and they said cool man Check this out. When I lived on the South Side of Chicago I was a bag handler at O'Hare - I asked some skater friends of mine and they said cool man Check this out. When I lived on the South Side of Chicago I was a bag handler at O'Hare - I asked some skater friends of mine and they said cool man Check this out. When I lived on the South Side of Chicago I was a bag handler at O'Hare - I asked some skater friends of mine and they said cool man Check this out. When I lived on the South Side of Chicago I was a bag handler at O'Hare - I asked some skater friends of mine and they said cool man Check this out. When I lived on the South Side of Chicago I was a bag handler at O'Hare - I asked some skater friends of mine and they said cool man.

You know he will pull the lever for Trump - Its in the stars.

>reeeeee where are the rightwingerinos to protect me

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is he going to be the next hitler? BeanieBogalooBoys

So many folks getting blackpilled.
I don't really know how to feel

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Tim pool crawling in search of blood to terrify you neighbourhood

>eternally doomer fashion sense
This guy has been blackpilled since he lost is hairline at 19 bro. He’s playing the long blackpill, it’s going to be a mass suicide of doomers once this hits a discordant crescendo

I wish I knew of this guy sooner. He's a level-headed guy that doesn't blindly follow an someone else's agenda and tells it like he sees it. He's not racist but he'll be called one for calling out the bullshit from the left and msm.

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Why is he so bald and piglike?

It wasn't enough with the beanie?? He really needs the hood too? Just how bald is he?

you know why

his vegan co-host is, so it probably will happen now

>When you're so bald a beanie alone isn't enough

Tim didn’t start the firewall always burning since since the flat earth turning 180 degrees

He sounds so depressed.

Tim IS the beanie. The guy underneath is just its human host it needs to survive.

i like him. his cohost is also pretty cute.

cibel wor
food buckets

the money would stop rolling in if he does that.
the trumptards who love timmy cibelwor tool wouldnt listen to him anymore.

Conservatives need to be blackpilled. It's the only way to break through their delusions and make them face reality.


I can only hope that if the chinese virus actually turns out to be dangerous, that it clearcuts a wide swath through the rioters.

He doesn’t want you to see his yarmulke

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Literally a hysterical grifter who exaggerates and fear mongers, how are you people so susceptible to this?


He went bald from a hardcore porn addiction. In his peak he was cooming 10-15 times per day

He's an absolute retard with brainlet takes poorly delivered as he struggles to string together coherent sentences, the stuttering and the weak beta cuck whining voice. I tried watching a few vids because he does cover the interesting stories, but I felt my intellect dissolving the longer it went on, and he never actually see the correct angles. He also comes across as extremely insincere.

As my dad once told me - never trust a man who is ruled by his insecurities, the ever present beanie seals it for me.

I like him, reminds me of my innocent self

If actually start watching him again if he did. Bald is sexy/