Is Greta based?

"Greta Thunberg condemns 'police brutality and attacks on the free press escalating in the US' during Black Lives Matter protests and calls on the EU to take action"

When you were 17, how many things did you achieve? How many topics did you speak out on for millions of people to listen to you?

That's what I thought.
Checkmate, racists. :)

Attached: Greta_Thunberg_urges_MEPs_to_show_climate_leadership_(49618310531)_(cropped).jpg (876x1202, 321.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah...true. It is true I did what I did, without becoming a globohomo best-case-scenario. *sighs

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Ok guys cut it out it's not funny anymore

i achieved the wonderful status of not-being-manipulated-by-my-parents-for-political-gains

She needs to go and stand under some statues.

When i was 17 i bought CoD MW2 at midnight and had one of the best night of my life. She can keep her bugs

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Greta can't catch a break, can she?
first corona, now this nigger crap
no one's gonna care about climate change at this rate any time soon

Based on what?

Post the shopped, breedable version


By this you mean plucked by globalists to be this years wheeled in front of the cameras robotwat to mouth communist platitudes and hypocrisy.

If she was really based she would use this opportunity to study what a crock of shit the climate models are and then lay into them

White women are scum

i tried

Attached: crying.png (605x795, 965.21K)

Greta wants every black person to receive reparations from white people.

with the believes I had when I was 17 (that is half my age now) I am quite happy I did not achieve anything (but fuck up my own life).

Honestly I would have created something way worse than the soviet union.

>When you were 17, how many things did you achieve?
well I managed to have the correct number of chromosomes. That's kinda cool.

>When you were 17, how many things did you achieve?

The only thing that matters is her doing porn when she turns 18.

LOL Greta is literally retarded.
The same people who listen to these Niggers are the same idiots who listen to Greta.
I literally haven’t listened to ONE word she has said but I have some funny ass Memes of her
She doesn’t even exist in my world OP

i know someone here has them

>The only thing that matters is her doing porn when she turns 18.
She's not attractive. What is this stupid discord stuff?


pathetic attempt to stay relevant.

nobody gives a fuck about global warming anymore, your 15 mins of fame are up.

would pay $150 for hh because she's 17

blonde pigtailed pro nature autist waifu
Hitler would have approved of her.

btw remove world jewry.

Her pupils have differing dilations.

Its not cunny anymore.

This. I hope she gets redpilled soon.

>1 post by this ID

noble effort
it's not this one, but I'm bumping with this until I find the real one

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Just use Faceapp.
The downside is that Russian bydlos will have permanent access to your phone

when I was 17 I was having fun and running after girls. it was much better than stressing over cow farts and other shit she does

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What about the climate? Or is it already the time to change her image?

found it, there's no need to break new ground

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Thanks for the laugh

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She's ummmm, pretty.

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I can't say no to an user.

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Why is one eye blue and one eye grey

17 is a year past legal AoC in the UK so I can say that I wouldn't mind cumming on her face

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And one for the road.

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oh god imma coom to stephen merchant

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Why do you faggots keep asserting she's doing all of this by herself?

As if she doesn't have an army of adults behind her, whispering in her ear when she's off camera.

>I wouldn't mind doing something that degrades and/or humiliates her

This is the best and most realistic one. She looks very east euro here.

She is just a girl child. Use your brain.