Walmart to get rid of "Multicultural" cases

Walmart is about to get fucked.

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They should make hispanic foods smaller and asian foods larger imo

I can't find the eggroll wrappers in my city, so I can't make my own eggrolls without making doh from scratch.

Just goto an asian market user. Most towns have some sort of tiny asian shop. Mine sells lots of Japanese candy.

Don't think one exists here, best I can do is HEB's tiny asian isle.

Will they still find a way to blame white people when those products get nabbed?

so prices are gonna go up to make up the losses from stolen goods?

what types of products are multi cultural?

if hair brushes are left in the isles but afro picks are locked away thats actually pretty funny

YES now pay up white boi

Yes. If it wasn't for systemic racism, niggers wouldn't be poor and wouldn't have to procure things by undocumented means.

These products will simply stop being restocked. The consumers will ask where are those products and they will answer "sorry sir, we're out of them unfortunately."

USB Sticks, PS vidya

They should just stop selling it, make the niggers go to dollar general instead.

No they're not. They are just going to pass the loss on to their paying customers. They sure as hell aren't going to just absorb the loss. Law abiding, paying customers are about to start subsidizing black shoplifters. America in 2020. Wow.

Raiders of the Lost Shart

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>the very next day

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This is standard PR practice and has happened a hundred times already. They announce this shit to appease the stupid, they stop putting locks on shit for a month or two, then slowly reintroduce the locks when no one cares.

Let them virtue signal themselves into financial trouble

we need to convince them to do the same for their electronics, too

They didn’t do that because they hate niggers
They did it because niggers kept stealing their shit and they needed to protect it.
If you live in a civilized area they only put expensive electronics in glass cases

kek undocumented activities

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Companies like Walmart are entirely data driven, they lock them up because black people are stealing them.

I do understand, though, that it is hard for a race of 85 IQ people to understand concepts like data, per capita, analysis, etc.

That or they stop selling the stuff period.

>so the assumption is we're thieves
They wouldn't be behind cases if they weren't stolen all the time, you retarded ape. Walmart is probably writing off the increase in shrink as a donation to blm

Gibs me dat fo free

Do you take a little boat or a little plane?

Used to do loss prevention for a target. There is a reason they lock this shit up. Gonna be fun to watch them back pedal later.

Ayo fuck u cracka

They'll just let blacks and other minorities steal and raise prices on the people that pay to compensate
Only whites should work, pay taxes, and pay for products after all
PoC can just sit back and enjoy their lives, they've earned it. Oh and they'll have the free time and government/donation money to produce media and education for whites to remind them of their place
Don't forget to thank white leftists for being on the right side of history and making this happen!

>undocumented means

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Or they'll eat the costs and make whitey pay in the form of generally higher prices
We would literally be living in paradise if we didn't need to babysit savages.
I know, because I grew up in one.

They are not going to be fucked and just increase the price. And white men are to pay for what nigers have stolen. And the whites are going to be fucked as ever before

>the assumption is that we’re thieves
Or, enough of that product had been stolen in the past to warrant investing in additional asset protection measures

They'll stop recording inventory v crime soon

With the increase of self checkout in Walmarts and the risk of theft that brings I have to assume stolen merchandise is being compensated by the state somehow, either by tax breaks or just straight money payments, so whats more theft to them?

Yay, niggers get to steal and everyone else gets to pay the difference. Progress.

I take a big pickup truck

they wont unlock shit to begin with
this is just a promotional stunt to get more retarded leftists to spend more

>Walmart to remove security camera's from the same aisle

>African American people are buying these products
If they bought the products instead of stealing them there wouldn’t be a problem

They need to remove all security sensors in the exit of the stores and off the expensive electronics.

>Bix nood, said one customer

lol how is that racist? there small and expensive items. they probably tracked the data and realized these items get stolen more then any other item, so they invest in security measures to prevent more monetary loses. same reason razor blades are usually locked up.

nothing about this is racist!!

Can I get a F for the death of my $200 quarterly bonuses?

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>this. The cases are driven by statistics about which products are stolen.
>niggers don’t want to be seen as thieves when reality dictates that those products are stolen most.
I feel like the Left and their chimp
Pets have the world under a trance where all of a sudden everyone agreed to live in an alternative reality.

this one actually is walmarts fault. they lured them in with scent of those delicious water melons

i fully support this

let them steal as much as they want and the moment they roll back on it shame them over racism

what "black products" are locked away?

Don't care. Don't even shop there. Why should I give a fuck what Wally-world does?

They will raise the price on white people products. They won't be fucked at all. You will be though