This makes me hard.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-06-12 UnChAiNeDLaTiNo ( UnChAiNeDLaTiN1) Twitter.png (598x710, 534.64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nigger shouting abuse at libshit white woman


Attached: download.png (199x254, 5.29K)

You've been saying for a decade, retard.
Normalfags never wake up.

>look at THIS TWEET!
>I found a tweet!

fuck off cuck. Your nation can't be saved but its not too late for us.

Lol, she came down hard and that cop was letting her go off. Based as fuck.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-06-12 Nicole Q on Twitter I hated Trump because I heard he was racist I didn’t hear it for myself, I didn’t[...].png (598x110, 19.44K)


Attached: download.jpg (275x183, 9.06K)

>white liberal women being stupid and narcissistic
>black women being loud
And the earth makes another rotation on its axis.

Ring... ring... ummm based department?

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>Go to the abortion clinic and stop them if you want to save black lives
Thats a cunt punt

bump for Americans.

Some of you need to pull the logjam out of your assholes.

Attached: bump.gif (556x200, 502.08K)

>if only you knew how gay this white faggot is


Something about the dress and heels combined with the goatee is surreal, like a nightmare.

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can it really though?

All these fuckin Zig Forumstards thinking the west is ending. No, left is ripping itself apart and their bias/extremism is getting exposed while the right is laughing looking sane for once

Thanks what you think.


>left is ripping itself apart
Collateral damage is the concern. I'd like to still have a country after all is said and done.

(((this guy))) has a point.

>Britbong has an opinion
Got a loisence fo'that?

Leftists are getting exposed hard, the hypocrisy can't hide anymore thanks to social media m8. 90% of these white girls spouting this BLM shit are the same ones who tell me they'd never have a black child."b-b-but at least I didnt say nigga in a song". Closet racists desperately trying to cover it up and its more obvious now then ever.

>You've been saying for a decade, retard.
a decade ago globalists were uncontested in the west.
now they're struggling in every corner.

I do not agree with that the left is ripping itself apart.
However, it is irrelevant whether a few buildings get burned down so long as the jewish oligarchy is overthrown.

Exactly. The election of trump not four years ago should make that point.

Always darkest before the dawn m8, Black folks are tired of white guilt and blaming the PO PO cause they know it gets no where. The disband police mantra that BLM came up with made black folks actually have to say that police do more good than harm cause they know it would be utter chaos in their neighborhoods. They know black on black crime is the primary reason they're afraid to walk home at night, and hide from it.

This was pretty funny.
hahahaha what?

This showed up on my Facebook

Attached: FB_IMG_1591976201688.jpg (606x892, 40.38K)

Just for this, I am going to take my nonwhite ass over to the UK and impregnate as many brits as possible

wtf, I love niggers now

Over the top but normies won’t see the false flag
13 outta 50

goddammit. i never thought id one day empathize with a police officer, but here we are

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>tfw to black queen to kiss my pp


A lot of times when people get angry they either start repeating the game thing over and over or hurling a giant ball of random swears because they are succumbing to some basic animal brain shit. It's why you see people screaming things like
or niggers repeating
>nigga you finna catch deez hands nigga you finna catch deez hands nigga you finna catch deez hands

I'm talking about the fabric of society in this country. Our laws, economy, the way everything works. Not some buildings.
I hope you're right.

Is this being shared by black people or is it a hoax?

Honestly hate when our burger friends say this. We are not lost, in 1999 all but 2 european countries had leftists in government, today only Denmark still does. The left was wiped out of Europe electorally well before maga and brexit happened. We are winning on both sides of the puddle.

I'm a dem and all my friends IRL (no im not the average Zig Forumstard) are dem and yes they're ripping themselves apart. This defund/disband the police shit is crazy to 90% of dems only cucks and karens extremists are down for it. You can't call yourself the "party of peace" when you support rioting murder and armed take over. The left isn't what it was before trump got elected, hopefully this will melt away the crazies.

>not allowed to date women of other races.

Government mandated Karens?

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The laws are illegitimate. They are enforced against White people by a treasonous government.
The economy is irrelevant. Indeed, the economy is what is propping up ZOG. Destroying it is essential to survival.
"The way everything works" is White Genocide, humiliating White people at every opportunity, destroying our history, our heritage, and brainwashing children to hate themselves and their race. "The way everything works" is evil. Not worth preserving. Burn it down.

>I do not agree with that the left is ripping itself apart.
there's a massive civil war taking place in the democrat party right now. The MSM of course is concealing it, but its happening.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-06-12 Bari Weiss ( bariweiss) Twitter.png (598x150, 26.71K)

At some point the damage cannot be undone. And so far the right wing in most of Europe are status quo cucks.

I fucking know I'm right bro. If BLM twists Bidens arm enough (which they may cause hes a bitch) to spout the words "I support the defunding and disbanding the police". He will lose this election harder then Hillarious did.

You can see the nigger having second thoughts about what this really is about

>Burn it down.
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about. You're the type of person to confuse government with representatives of government. You would throw away the constitution thinking you're getting rid of corruption.

You say that like being a racist is a bad thing when it is actually a point of pride nowadays.

Silent majority, eh?

Fake and gay

>Nigger shouting abuse at libshit white woman
Based nigger

It's really only the White Democrats, the Union supporting, pro-working class type Democrats who are leaving. The pathologically anti-White leadership of your party will not be changing any time soon. Indeed, they knew that mass immigration would destroy the working man's ability to collectively bargain for our labor and decided to screw them over anyway. Because they know that they can make up for the unwanted White votes with imported orcs that are bussed to the polls every 4 years.
So while there is a steady trickle of old White union liberals leaving the party, this will not negatively affect their ability to win national elections.
In short; when you reduce everyone to interchangeable worker units, you become replicable trash and will be treated as such by your party and the corporate oligarchy.

Exactly brudda, the media can't hide shit like they used to because of social media. All the violence, racist doctrine, etc that they try to hide is being fully exposed right now, and the more they try to hide it the more it pisses them off. Even hard lefties I know can't get behind the defund shit. I'm not saying they're going to vote for trump, but this will hopefully melt away the extremist bandwagon.