There is no such thing a unified culture...

There is no such thing a unified culture. In the US for example people have vastly different cultures in different counties let alone entire states. Along with this the culture in these places are changing all the time and can't be controlled. How would you control culture anyways? Force white people to listen to Mozart at gunpoint? No one gives a shit about classical music anymore. The culture is changing and you can't control it.

Attached: mozart.jpg (1200x1200, 196.07K)

Other urls found in this thread: barcarolle (from French, also,music composed in that style.

true, but if you keep trying to force feed us diversity and progressivism you will be exterminated and mass burried in a grave without mark, globo-kike-bitch.

>white people to listen to Mozart at gunpoint?
Why do whites glorify nigger classical music?

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nice flag

>No one gives a shit about classical music anymore.
that's because they don't understand it because they don't play an instrument and never receive any kind of musical education, in other words, they are cattle. Most people don't listen to music, they consume it like fast food. There's not a single musically educated person who doesn't appreciate the hundreds of years of music conceived of and performed by smarter people who worked harder, longer than you or any pop-music "artist" ever will.
Mozart is a little overrated however. But that he's the only "classical" artist you can even name tells me that you're a fucking know-nothing with a worthless jewish opinion that's more gaslighting than argument.

Whether or not you like Applebee's or olive garden isn't "culture". There is very little difference between Americans besides their IQ and familial strength i.e. how well they've resisted a century and a half of Jewish subversion.

You don't think there is a big difference between Alabama country boy and Seattle hipster?

So what about literature? painting? architecture? sculpture? No one gives a shit about any of those anymore

>Force white people to listen to Mozart at gunpoint?

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People would care about classical music if classical music was taught in school.

Everything you are bitching about is just a matter of proper education. Kids in American high schools (at least in the state of California) only read 2, 300 page books a year. Then you wonder why nobody reads.

If you were to force high school students to read more books like they do in Russia or Japan people are more likely to grow an interest in reading books. The same thing applies to music. Force your kids to play piano and maybe he won't like it but when he's older he'll be glad and he will have a much better appreciation of music in general.

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yes, over the last hundred year everything has been commodified and then degraded in order to cater to the lowest common denominator of consoomer.
While currently few in number, anybody smart still enjoys a wide variety of artistic works from the past. Don't judge the rest of us by your own pathetic, ignorant standards.

For everyone's moral benefit: barcarolle (from French, also,music composed in that style.

I really don't think that's true. Look at the Billboard Top 100. You think forcing kids in high school to listen to some classical music and play an instrument will make them stop listening to Lil Uzi Vert? Same with reading. I don't care if you make them 30 books instead of 2 they aren't going to give a shit.

Mozart was probably white, maybe partially Moor, who knows. But that dude was not Muslim, there is so much Christian Theology in his work.

I'm not judging you retard I'm saying the large majority of the population doesn't care and the culture you are trying to protect doesn't exist for most people.

I honestly like some Richard Wagner here and there. My friends think it’s a meme, whatever, shut up and listen. The party is at my house and I wanna listen to some Richard Wagner rn. Then the “woke” chicks flock, “omg who is this, it’s so good. You seem really smart” “stfu, go party, leave me alone, I need another liter of koskenkorva”

>the large majority of the population doesn't care and the culture you are trying to protect doesn't exist for most people
Yes, humanity is in a sorry state, but i will lead by example and teach what I can to others, because I'm confident I am right. What's your issue then?

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The real issue is the creeping mentality of letting kids "figure it out" when they get older. Rather than trying to give your kid as many opportunities and skills as he is growing up they just let him do as he pleases and hopes he naturally picks up some kind hobby other than video games when he's older.

Its degeneracy. They allow children to behave as animals in the wild and then everybody wonders why nobody has even an appreciation for the finer arts. Its not that things are dumbed down, its that its the only thing people know and by the time they are adults they don't even bother trying to improve, and why would they?

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All the meme righties say are irrelevant. One it's impossible to protect culture and two the culture you talk about is dead.

Well said, people such as Mozart had the ability to bring to life emotives directly translatable to the listener,
But then you'd have to not be driven and bound by the base nature wherein the vast majority abide,
Lazy people dont ever seem to figure peace out it seems.



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>Mozart was probably white, maybe partially Moor, who knows
dude get the jew out of your mind, he was obviously german

Mozart was Germanic. Highly unlikely that he has moor blood. He wasn’t a med

>i really don't think thats true
But it is, there was even a study on it in Russia. Can't find it right now though.

I'm not saying teenagers are going to only listen to classical, but their taste in general music will be better, more cultured and informed. And THEN when they do become adults they are even more likely to listen to classical music.

More likely or making the numbers doesn't really matter. So you make the number go from 2% to 5 or 10%. It's still dead which is the point.

There you niggers go, trying to steal shit again. It's really tiresome, you know.

Look to Japan, look to Japan, look to Japan
Culture does not naturally die out like that. Its degeneration by poor hippie faggot parents.

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Isn't Japan statistically just virgins weebs who sit in their bedroom and play video games and watch anime? Big difference from the culture of their grandparents.

Oh didn't read the second part of your post I think you were saying look to Japan for the decline not look to Japan to see as an example of protected culture

retarded boomer take
in our hs, music was unironically one of the hardest subjects. we were forced to write 7-8 papers and learn from them word by word. And guess what happened, people despise classical music. Same goes with books. We were forced to read uninteresting shit like Povratak Filipa Latinovica, and 99% of us would rather take the F then waste our time like that.
Now, after hs is over, I try to give classical music and books a chance. Even though I like some classical like The Rite of Spring, or books like The Stranger, I have to admit hs made me hate this shit, and I'd rather listen to a Kanye album and read Baki.

No you make the numbers go from 2% to 30%

Look at how many zoomers are suddenly into chess right now because of the twitch thing. Its as easy as that. Are all of them going to be pro chess players who spend 2 hours a day playing chess? No, but a good portion of them will enjoy and appreciate chess more now for the rest of their lives.

You're a dumb leftist who has come here to argue some retarded strawman. You think my or conservatives objective in general is to make sure children all listen to classical music excusively for the rest of their lives. Thats not the argument being made a at all.

If classical music is appreciated, it stays alive. Its the difference between someone turning off Mozart to listen to Joey badass or listening to Mozart first before Joey badass. It makes a huge difference psychologically. It will generally improve the European culture while connecting us to our roots.


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